Zero to crazy in 9 seconds!

Wanted to see how fast I could go on my biggest and heaviest unicycle (3ft. diameter wheel) in under 10 seconds from a stationary start. Pretty scary and was trying not to think about falling at that speed! This is the last hurrah for me doing this type of thing.

And climbing the long, super steep dirt hill known as “Big Red”, at Peter’s canyon in Orange, CA. This really kicked my b##t!


You are mad :slight_smile:

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…and it only took 9 seconds to achieve.


It got me thinking, I wonder if my Unicycle is still around? so I went looking and sure enough there it was down the side of the house looking somewhat the worse for wear.


Another one :slight_smile:

That was interesting to watch. Thanks for posting it. I’m glad you showed one part here you stopped and got off or I’d be sitting here wondering.

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That’s gonna need a tad more than a Brasso soaked rag Bruce :wink::+1:

Oh wow, you are amazing, what fun, I’d love to be able to do that!

And I think I’m wacky riding my kick scooter

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That’s amazing Terry, I dread to think how your legs ached the following day. :grinning:

Well done!

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