Your Form of Mobility

Just finished my 2nd 5K walk this weekend. I’m feeling pretty good… It’s getting easier as the weight drops. I’m down 18 pounds… I think that’s 1 stone 4 pounds… In your language… lol!! I’m looking for a total of 50 pounds, but doing it in smaller increments of 10 pounds a month. I’m on target for August…

No artificial sweetener
No alcohol
fish, chicken, fruits, and veggies plus whole grains
Lots of water… and more water… and then some more…
Portion control.

In my language that’s about 8kg.

I’m anxious to keep up the level of fitness I had before I broke my ankle so later today I’m going to Argos to buy a rowing machine. That will do me nicely until I can get walking again…:slight_smile:

I like 18 pounds the best… It SOUNDS bigger… :smiley:

You’re doing well Audrey. You have my admiration.:slight_smile:

1.2 Stone sounds even more

A stone is 14 pounds right? I know that “stone” means something to you in the UK… But it has no form of reference for me. I can picture how much a pound is though… A stone to me is something I get in my shoe.

My daughter once asked me, ‘What are lumbs and ozzies’ I thought at the time they even sound archaic.

Where does the measurement “stone” come from… It’s not metric.

This should answer your question, Audrey … :slight_smile:

Thanks… very interesting

Well I cannot do much these days, I used to do Keep-fit every day plus Weight Training, but that’s all stopped, I have two pro-lapsed discs. in my back that sticks out which gives me sciatica down my left leg, so most of the time I am in pain, but I still go out for a walk at least 1 hr a day, but I cannot get up any hills or high slopes and I live at the bottom of a big hill, I can climb it but I have to stop three times, but I still carry on, I try to do some slow keep-fit but the weights I can only use on my arms.

I enjoy swimming three times a week at the local pool. I cannot walk up hills or banks nowadays, but try to do 5k on the flat every day.

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