Your Form of Mobility

Thanks Pats, I don’t think my knees are up too too much intensity :slight_smile:

AC I’m a member of my local Ramblers and I love it to bits. I’ve met so many people, have great chats and laughs alone the way, and seen some beautiful scenery. Longest walk so far has been 14 miles, but normally around 8 miles, every Saturday :smiley:


Walking but not too far from a seat, like to swim too. Housework is another form of exercise that I’ve been doing far too long.

Five K three times a week. Just finished one this morning… Now a protein shake, a shower, and then grocery shopping and laundry… I’ll sleep well tonight.

I used to walk five miles a day but by the end of the week the taxi fare back was too bloody expensive.

I would honestly say that pilates has given me a state of fitness that I never expected to have at this age. I have good core strength which is good to keep your back and the rest of you in good shape too and maintains flexibility and will hopefully keep everything hunky dory into old age.

I have often wondered about trying that, Anita, but the classes near me are too expensive.:smiley:

I would strongly recommend this exercise.

It works for me :smiley:

I like it !

Pilates is everything you say Anita and if it works for you go for it, personally I found it too boring, much preferring the more lively, active zumba.

Whatever works for us and we enjoy it that’s what matters, if exercise isn’t fun, we are more than likely to stop doing it.

Yep, I totally agree.

I used to walk much more than I do now as since we no longer have our lovely Gelert (dobermann) I find I can talk myself out of walking! My daughter is a physio who is also a certified pilates instructor and she used to run a weekly class in the village, unfortunately she has now moved into her new house at the other side of Town. Hopefully she will start classes in her new place and I will go there as I really enjoyed pilates and do miss it. I’m definitely not as supple or as strong in my core muscles as I was with regular pilates.

You can get DVD’s etc and do the exercises at home also. It’s not quite the same as a class but if done weekly at least, you see the benefit in core strength quite quickly.

Thank you, Anita, I may give that a try!

I’m a fitness fanatic, I clench and unclench my hands at least twice every morning without fail.

I can only quote Gough Whitlam when he said, “I get all the exercise I need attending the funerals of people that do exercise.” (he’s 98)

Anita - you’ve got me interested in pilates too. Do you have to go to classes to be shown properly?
I would imagine then you could do the exercises at home…

I used a DVD that my daughter gave me Carol, before she started the class. I think, my opinion only, that it would be very easy to happily follow the DVD but not be in the correct position and so not get all the benefit. Fay, my daughter, walks the class so she can correct anyone who is a bit out of positioning or show them a different way if they have a particular injury etc.
I loved the class and definitely had the benefit of a better core strength and also posture…I can also stand on one leg for longer!!!

There are definitely DVD’s that you can follow at home. I think you can do it at home no probs as long as you follow the principles of engaging the abdominal muscles and not tensing the wrong areas when working on a certain muscle group.

Pats I do pilates because it’s given me a virtually completely flat stomach and much better core strength than I had in my 20’s. I also do a dance/aerobics class to music and aqua-fit but not all of them every week though ideally I would like to.

When I get my leg out of plaster I’m going to join a pilates class. I think it’s best to be taught to do it right.
How many times a week and for how long, should it be done Anita for maximum benefit?

I was sure I had a Pilates DVD. Just checked but obviously not! Did get rid of stuff recently to a table top sale and it wouldn’t surprise me if something useful got chucked out with the stuff.

I have a Yoga for Dummies VHS tape, but they have to be rewound and are not as easy to use as DVDs, obviously.

My exercise? Not enough. Pain from my surgery has prevented me from doing too much, as I used to have short walks, going round my home town in a circle, down to the local park (where I could sit down in between, have a cup of tea), or go out on buses and trains and sight see - walking once I’ve got where I’m headed.

Could do swimming, but I need a really big push to go to my local pool.

Or, I do gentle gardening at my allotment. My tongue gets good exercise if I see friends and we stop and chat! ;-):lol: