My most favourite snack was from M&S …their Deltas …MMmmmmm …absolutely scrummy, but the rotters have discontinued them. I used to regularly shop in their local food hall until they stopped selling their Deltas, now I never visit M&S and shop in Sainsbury’s or Tesco instead.
bananas, oranges
Potato chips or crisps as most of you call them. I just ate a bagful and now am craving more.
I like puffs too. Those are a tiny bit more healthy. I get one made of peas and another made with chickpeas.
stuffed vine leaves. Recently discovered yum
Let’s see what comments this brings, it’s a ‘like it or loathe it’ type of snack:
A slice of toasted, seeded bread lightly spread with salted butter and plenty of Marmite!
Two slices of Cheddar cheese on top completes this delicious snack!
@Baz46 - sounds delicious to me!
Cheese and Ham (with Marmite) toasties are my current favourites!
It’s surprising how many people cannot stand the taste of Marmite though!
Some of us don’t know what it is. I’ve only seen it on youtube. People say it’s a love or hate kind of thing.
It’s something you have to be brought up on to fully appreciate!
No idea if you have anything like it in the US but it definitely is a love or hate taste. I have heard that Vegemite is similar and you do I believe, have that where you are.


It’s something you have to be brought up on to fully appreciate!
Good to know that I am not the only one who likes Marmite, it is as you say AnnieS, something you have to be brought up on to fully appreciate. All my family like it which goes some way to back up what you are saying.

It’s something you have to be brought up on to fully appreciate!
I’ve heard that too.

No idea if you have anything like it in the US but it definitely is a love or hate taste. I have heard that Vegemite is similar and you do I believe, have that where you are.
Not that I know about. It’s certainly not common. I’ve heard about it, but I haven’t seen it on the store shelves. I haven’t looked for it, so it might be there, hidden somewhere.

Not that I know about. It’s certainly not common. I’ve heard about it, but I haven’t seen it on the store shelves. I haven’t looked for it, so it might be there, hidden somewhere.
A quick search came up with the link below if you are interested, quite expensive though:
I love marmite but only on hot buttered toast
Thanks for looking that up. I’ll pass since it’s from a third party seller. Maybe one day someone will have some. I’ll take your word for it until then.

I love marmite but only on hot buttered toast
My preference is for the toast to be cold before buttering it, if hot it’s too ‘greasy’ for me, I’m the same with whatever is eaten on toast.

Thanks for looking that up. I’ll pass since it’s from a third party seller. Maybe one day someone will have some. I’ll take your word for it until then.
That’s OK, you’re welcome.
I’m in the ‘loathe it’ team. What is Marmite? Hmm, let me try to describe it to you… think of black treacle/molasses (do you have that in the US?). Now, take away the sweetness and replace it with gravy-like flavouring . That’s Marmite.
Bovril, a similar looking dark brown goo, is even worse - it contains actual beef stock. I have never understood why people want to spread thick gooey gravy on toast. OK, so Bovril can be used to flavour soups, stews, and gravies - I get that. But aside from a spread and a flavouring, it is often mixed with hot water to make… a drink!!! I mean, come on, that has got to be the weirdest idea ever - a gravy flavoured hot drink