Your favourite Eric Clapton tracks

A thread dedicated to the music of Eric Clapton :035:
Add your favourite hits to this thread :049:

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Hi Minx
Is it just the solo stuff or with Eric Clapton as a band member as well ?

ie :Cream,The Yardbirds etc.

It’s anything to do with Eric Clapton- know yourself out! :hug:

now I need to figure out how to post the video :slight_smile:

Cream…Sunshine of your love

Blind Faith.In the presence of the Lord…

Blind Faith Live Hyde Park 1969

RB - select only the portion after the words YouTube/ and insert it between the coding listed below. Should work. I’m listening to your selection now - thanks for sharing. Nice taste :slight_smile:
Without any spaces. I had to leave spaces so you can see how it’s typed- thanks

[ yt ] [/ yt]

Awesome thanks! I enjoy the studio recording though so I can truly hear the music - the screaming sometimes hurts my ears - but I enjoy live versions as well ! :hug:



Do you need help to post RB?
It can be confusing

Yes Please
Here’s the clip

Give me a second…