Your accent….do you have one?

I ask because I was in North Wales yesterday and a local said to me “you sound as if you are from the south”
Obviously accents can vary from place to place and I know mine is most definitely Welsh.
But it never occurred to me it was South Walian!

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Lots of different S Wales accents though aren’t there.People here think I’m Irish.I don’t mind that at all.

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I don’t think I have a accent :slightly_frowning_face: Maybe I lost it :flushed:


Oh yes, a very definite Yorkshire twang.

I have a smattering of a number of languages, hilarious to the locals.

When my kids were young I was regularly on TV at one stage of my work, and they and their friends thought it was hilarious to mimic me.

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Got two!!

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I have a Yorkshire accent although not broad Yorkshire…have to admit even I have difficulty understanding a really broad Yorkshire accent



A definite Yorkshire accent is not a problem, I have one.

I struggle with the Barnsley Accent.

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Aye, tha’s reet there :wink:


Think Windsor Davies (RSM in it aint half hot mum) and thats me


I have a Brummie accent and Mr H has a Black Country accent.
My family at times find him hard to understand which is very amusing.


Ebsolutely now kindly naff orf :grinning:

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Got on a Corridor Train, back in the 1950s, and after a bit of chit chat, with some others, one guy said, “I’m a student of Accents & Dialects, do you mind if I try to tell you where you came from?”

We told him that might be interesting and, lo & behold , he nailed every one of us.

Not just the basic accent but bits of other accents tacked on, as it were.

One chap he said was, probably, Yorkie born, brought up down in Surrey, with time spent in Europe.

Spot On.


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I grew up, along the boundary between the North Riding of Yorkshire and South Durham, born in Yorkshire on the South side of the River Tees and raised over the river in South Durham.
That area of Teesside has a distinctive accent - (like the TV Presenter Steph McGovern, who grew up in Middlesbrough)

When I moved to London aged 16, a lot of Londoners I met thought I was a “Geordie” but that’s quite a different accent. After a few years of living away from Teesside, I lost a lot of my original accent.
When I returned to the North, I settled a bit further down in a more rural part of North Yorkshire and my work was mainly with Yorkshire farmers - a lot of my Northern accent soon returned but it’s not as strong and my dialect is more Yorkshire than Teesside now.
People from the Teesside area can still detect my “Teesside” accent though.

One of my childhood friends still lives in the same place we grew up in and whenever we get together now, I am struck by how strong her accent and dialect is. I can’t remember ever speaking with such a strong accent as that but I suppose I must have done

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I have a most peculiar accent and I pick up other people’s accents really quickly

I started off cockney, went to posh school and had elocution lesson, so BBC English, cockney came back after I left school but not as strong, then moved down here to the South West and picked up Wurzel!

And now it’s a mixture of them all!

And I sound like this, click the link to hear me

View on Vocaroo >>

I’m from Manchester so I have the second worst accent in the country after scouse. (Liverpool)


Some people have remarked I have a south London accent, which I picked up from my mum.

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I suppose I am Scottish but probably I don’t have a very strong accent. I moved to the south of England after I got my degree - that was 50 years ago. Most of my family still live in Scotland with their strong broad dialect.

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Don’t be so unkind to yourself Ralph, nothing wrong with a Manchester accent, infinitely better than Brummie :wink:

My profound and sincere apologies to all those that I may have offended and trodden roughshod over their sensitivities.

Mind you, Jasper Carrot was hysterical, we’ll not see his like again.


I don’t see why - It’s just an accent. Like Belfast or Beast Enders…


I’ve always been fascinated by UK accents.There are so many for such a small place.I wonder if it happens anywhere else?

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