Your accent….do you have one?

I think it it might be because of the different of peoples and having ancient cavillations and a lot of them…?


Nowt wrong with a bit of Mancunian :slightly_smiling_face:
I was born in Lancashire but brought up in Surrey and I loved hearing the Lancashire accent . I still do .


The Whistle

by Charles Murray

He cut a sappy sucker from the muckle rodden-tree,
He trimmed it, an’ he wet it, an’ he thumped it on his knee;
He never heard the teuchat when the harrow broke her eggs,
He missed the craggit heron nabbin’ puddocks in the seggs,
He forgot to hound the collie at the cattle when they strayed,
But you should hae seen the whistle that the wee herd made! The Whistle

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Think of Ian Richardson in full Westminster voice/flow and that’s me