YouGov shows the Tories retain their lead in the latest poll

This thread isn’t about the SNP.

It’s not about Trump either :023:

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I referred to Boris reminding me of Trump. I didn’t make Trump the sole content of my post.

Yes you did. In the same way I referred to the SNP reminding me of the failures you wrote about

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So do I. He’s by far the best PM we’ve had since Maggie, IMHO.

@Percy de Vere, Boris’s popularity is down to his likeness
to Tommy Cooper !!
Donkeyman! :grin::smiley::joy::rofl::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Given the calibre of PM’s since Maggie that is not much of a a compliment.

@scot37 , Maggie Thatcher??
Is that the one that auctioned off British industry ?
Stopped all apprenticeships and job training? Leading to the
shortages of nurses and HGV drivers at a time when we had just
joined the EU, to which we were supposed to sell all the goods we
were’nt producing anymore ??
THAT Maggie Thatcher ??!!
Give her her due though, she did see Argentina off and finally
realised the EU was not a good idea ??
Donkeyman! :joy::joy:

You can hide with me over here on the naughty step :slight_smile:

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It is a symptom of just how poor the opposition are.

Boris is getting away with a pack of lies.

There a much better Tories, much more capable than him if reunning the UK.

Lets be realistic about Boris, he is the only PM since MT to show some degree of competence, being it only minor and headline grabbing. I dread to think how quickly we would have fallen off the ragged edge if Max Headroom was the PM with all the internal wrangling and strife within his party … sheesh!

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Thanks, Summer. Budge up and make a bit of space for me :lol:

I have a feeling it would have been a case of “Would the last person to leave please switch off the lights” if Liebour had won in 2019. Many think BoJo and the Tories are a car crash but, imho, Corbyn and his cohort would have totally and utterly destroyed what some people think is left of our great country.


The Prime Ministers that Johnson has to compete with since Thatcher are :slight_smile:


I mean come on, my dog would be better than all of them at running the country.

Johnson is a journalist. He is what he is … no commitment, self serving and lots of words.

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@Percy_Vere Oh yes, l have to agree with that Percy !!
But it still doesn’t excuse what Maggie caused initially imo ??
Boris was the best of an extremely appalling lot !!
Donkeyman! :-1::-1:

Well I would certainly rather trust your dog than a few people that I could mention, but Boris isn’t one of them.

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I agree with you, but this thread isn’t about Maggie Thatcher.
Here’s an interesting bit about voters.
For those who don’t like the website it’s from that’s fine, but try to debate the content and not the voice delivering that content.

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Oh, I dunno. Boris on a lead would be quite a spectacle :wink::grin::+1::innocent:

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Johnson will go soon. He will have had enough of letting his wife run the country and go back to writing articles for the telegraph.

@LongDriver ,Who knows what goes on in that flat above
Number 10 !! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:
Donkeyman! :+1::+1:

I’ll give him his due, he is an extremely likeable man and a wonderful orator and public speaker but he is no leader.

He’s too busy trying to be popular instead of doing what’s right at the risk of upsetting people. With an 80 seat majority he can do pretty much whatever he wants to push Conservativism but instead he’s become this weird green, socialist, half in half out of the EU minister for everything but his own party.

He should remember who allowed him his 80 seat majority and what a those voters for the Brexit Party and the Labour Red Wall wanted him to do. He didn’t deliver and he’s dicked around for the past year following Marxist scientists instead of making decisions based on scientific evidence and common sense.

There are a lot of unhappy tories with Johnson … by now he should be 26 points ahead of labour like labour were when Major was screwing things up. Instead he is limping along with his dysfunctional majority, appeasing the left and the climate fascists.

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