You wake up suddenly, what would be the scariest sound to hear?

You can tell I’m a Stephen King fan, can’t you?



Oh yes! :+1:

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I could not sleep while listening to that. Amazing that you could sleep listening to horror stories.

I have had one person tell me that horror shows calm them but mostly people say they’re up all night after hearing a horror story. :grimacing:

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We are plagued here by these incredibly stubborn, destructive creatures. ( ref the screeching Possums in earlier posts )
I live in a hi-set house & I can seriously actually see my computer monitor shake as well as lightly feel it as these pests climb along the wall edge that divides underneath from upstairs.

My neighbours too curse these destructive pests & the damage they do.

One has surrounded his entire house with a wire netting in an attempt to stop them.

Others have eventually taken more serious measures out of endless frustration to eradicate these vermin.

The other noise that I’ll never forget was awakening from my sleep to find I was the victim of a home invasion. Even at my neighbours house afterwards my body was still shaking more than 30 minutes later.

Discussion with others following that event brought out some very strong thoughts & suggestions from people of various ages who I’d normally previously considered to be quite gentle folk.

They were all totally supportive of me but had VERY strong feelings about the invading perpetrators.

And most were FAR from impressed with the almost complete lack of support they too had either heard of or encountered from their local police.

Long gone are the days where you can rely on them for help, so it was not surprising that some peoples’ suggestions as to how to respond in future were initially almost stunning.

As mentioned they were numerous & from a diversity of ages and both male and female.

It’s a memory that never goes away. :frowning:



An air raid warning siren!

Have you thought about wire at all possible entry points?

That truly must be scary. For someone to break into another persons house shows a complete lack of empathy which makes them liable to do anything should they encounter the owner.

I am lucky being born in 1962 in Tasmania. Never ever have I been subject to air raid sirens.
I imagine them to be rather loud and shrill. How long do they go on for? Until the threat has passed?

I’m not old enough to remember how the real thing sounded, but I’ve heard it in films and it means something pretty awful, for hundreds of people in a neighbourhood, so I hope to never hear such a thing.

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The sound notification my phone makes when a debit order goes off my bank account…usually around the first of every month.

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Let us hope there never is a reason to hear them. They are a daily occurrence in the Ukraine. Such a sad situation which is going on far too long.

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The banging of closet sliding doors in the middle of the night!!!

Here’s the true story of what I’ve experienced…

Wow, what an experience for your girl to go through. :frowning_face:

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Aw! @Bretrick this took place in the 1980s, I didn’t have kids back then. I was the girl who went through that :slightly_smiling_face::joy:

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Oh, I was a little confused, silly me, a brain fade. :rofl:

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No worries @Bretrick! :grin:

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Bretrick asked…
“Have you thought about wire at all possible entry points?”

Hi Bretrick, reading this again I suspect you’ve misundertood. I could have been clearer.
Our houses are “hi-set” houses. i.e. They have a full concrete base at ground level.
A wall surrounds that base completely and then the actual house enclosed part sits on concrete reinforced pylons.
There is roughly a half metre gap from the top of the wall to the undersisde of the floor of the house itself.

These possums climb up and thunder along the top edge of the wall in that half metre gap before getting in under the house where they make a mess & often do damage.

When I said surrounded I was meaning that entire gap needed the wire mesh to block these stubborn pests.

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Well explained there. I can picture it now.
Why have you not “wired” the gap in your house. Or am I getting your explanation wrong again?

The sound of my girlfriend’s husband’s key being pushed into the front door lock! That would do it, for me…cardiac ward, here I come!

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The sound of an air raid siren for sure. I was born in 1940 in an air raid shelter. Over the next 4/5 years of living in south London I grew to fear that sound. My fear these days is that we all may have to hear then once more…but just the once!

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It must have been a chilling thing to hear
I have never heard one and I am quite sure I will never hear one.
Apparently they a being heard everyday across Ukraine

You scoundrel. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Get yourself home and do penance.

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