You know you’re getting old when…

Its nice to be affable when combobulating

You know you are old when you have to wear memory foam inserts in your shoes so you can remember why you went from one room to another.

and having L and R painted on the soles

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When you can’t wipe your own R Sole!

People offer you a seat on the bus.

Or the underground :confused:

Ruddy hell, why are you nakey in the first place? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You know you’re getting old when you forget to put on any clothes in the morning and then go to Tescos……

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You know you’re getting old when your reply to anyone wishing you a merry Christmas your reply is always Bah Humbug!


1978 v 2023

1978: Long Hair. 2023: Longing for Hair.

1978: 8 Tracks. 2023: Cataracts.

1978: Kegs. 2023: EKGs.

1978: Streaking. 2023: Leaking.

1978: Acid Rock. 2023: Acid Reflux.

1978: Seeds and Stems. 2023: Fibre.

1978: Staying Alive (The song) 2023: Staying Alive the goal.

1978: Hoping for a BMW. 2023. Hoping for a BM.

1978: Going to a new hip, joint. 2023: Getting a new hip joint.

1978: Rolling Stones. 2023: Kidney Stones.

1978: Bell Bottoms. 2023: Big Bottoms.

1978: Disco. 2023: Costco.

1978: Whatever. 2023: Depends.

1978: Rock and roll all night. 2023: Sleep through the night.

1978: Think you know everything. 2023: Think you know your name.


Love it furry, sounds like an exciting life of yours :smiley:

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Can’t argue with that Furry.

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One of my favourite T - shirts

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There are days when you really can’t be bothered.

On that reckoning, some folks have been old since their teens :grin:

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You need new glasses. :sunglasses:


you can’t see yer toes


You need help to cut your toenails.


Santa starts looking younger…


You keeping mixing up your passwords