You know you’re getting old when…

Nowt personal, just a best guess.

When you tell the same person the same story several times
When you tell the same person the same story several times


What was that

when you buy your first beige cardigan (as I did yesterday)

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I’ve given up making any plans for tomorrow because that morning I always have to ask my wife what we’re doing today. She usually replies " Why ask me you never tell me!"

When everybody around you tends to be younger. (Saying that even at the risk of repeating what has already been posted.)

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When shop assistants call you darling or sweetheart or my lovely. And that 's only the men!

When you can’t type fast enough to keep up.

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When, all the music on the radio is performed by folks no longer here :icon_wink:

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When you don’t know most of the celebs young people are talking about and when you routinely listen to oldies stations.

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When “Snap Crackle Pop” no longer refers to a breakfast cereal, it’s the sound your joints make when getting up out of the chair

When you see an attractive young woman looking at you, and she starts to dress you with her eyes.

When you’re quite happy to spend half of your life on social network sites.

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When your body parts start wearing out :flushed:

When your body start wearing slipper and cardigans.

and whats wrong with slippers and cardies

You know you’re getting old when you think there’s nothing wrong with slippers and cardies :joy:

action man’s been discontinued

The clothing choice of Faffers!!!

Its nice to be comfortable when faffing