Yipee - it is Pancake Day

Having ordered extra milk and eggs from the milkman - today’s menu is:-

Breakfast: Pancakes with just a little lemon juice.

Luncheon: Pancakes with Maple Syrup.

Dinner: Pancakes with Raspberries and Vanilla Ice Cream.

The diet -starts tomorrow - unless there are any pancakes left! !


Ooh, I love it! :yum::yum::yum::yum:

Always traditional lemon and sugar for us, one of my sons likes strawberry jam, so I’ve got that ready as he’ll come round looking hopeful, they always do on special food days……

And I’ll do our other favourite. Cooked Bramley apple with a little cinnamon, rolled in a pancake, sprinkled with caster sugar and more cinnamon and served with a blob of whipped double cream :yum::yum::yum:


They all sound good to me!


It’s 7.11am here, all I can think about now are pancakes,:stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue:

Once again, takes me back to my childhood memories, pancakes with that plastic jiffy, shaped as a lemon, anyone remember those?

ST…Maree…my mouth is watering, yum!!..:stuck_out_tongue::yum::yum:


Lemon and sugar with mine too.
@pauline3 yes remember those Jif lemons too. You can still get them now.

Reminded me of this as well.


While you’ve got the pancake pan out, ST, can I put my order in for 2, served with a sprinkle of sugar and lemon juice.


Damn and Blast! I didn’t realise, I will make some tomorrow.

It is not really celebrated here, I used to when I remembered and my kids used to invite their friends to watch me toss the pancakes.

Most pancakes people make here are those pathetic, thick, tiny American Macca’s style pancakes rather than thin delicious ones as illustrated by @Boot .

The only advantage I have is that the lemons are fresh off my tree! (and I use Australian raw sugar - actually all the ingredients used are Australian come to think of it - no foreign rubbish in my pancakes :wink: )


I couldn’t watch that vid…I used to love those jiffy lemons…:+1::+1:…they looked novel as well,:joy::rofl:

I love them with maple syrup and ice cream now, if I made one, that’s all I’d eat all day, because of the calories…


Is that because you couldn’t get the video to work? Or some other reason :grinning:

Have to say Pancake Day has taken me by surprise this year - didn’t realise it was today!! I’d better go and get some more eggs then, and make some to take up to my daughter this evening after my GD’s swimming lesson.

I love the traditional lemon juice and sugar, but in the summer, when our raspberries are ripe, I love pancakes filled with creme fraiche and raspberries :yum:

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But are you brave and toss yours? Or are you a scaredy-cat spatula flipper?

It wouldn’t be pancake day if one didn’t end up on the floor or ceiling when I’m showing off my sooper dooper 4 mid air flip pancake toss!



Oh I think we need a video of you doing that @Maree!! Me? No, I’m a scaredy-cat flipper I’m afraid :joy:

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I’m a scaredy cat flipper as well…no way am I launching half cooked pancakes in my kitchen! :scream:

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Raspberries and Vanilla ice cream sound the bee’s knee’s.

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Last year we had my eldest daughters partner here. I think we were in lockdown & they were both here, so they could continue to see each other. So I brought piles of bits & we made an evening of it.

Personally, I prefer lime juice & butter on mine.


I also make them as a savoury dish. Minced beef placed in the middle of the pancake, and then the pancake rolled over the top. Think of a poor man’s cannelloni. Lush.

Weird but nice was my son’s creations. Hot salsa and mozzarella with some pepperoni if we had any. Rolled up and sprinkled with smoked paprika and more cheese. A sort of pizza pancake roll thingy

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I made pancakes this afternoon for a dozen pensioners. Fortunately they all wanted the same, lemon and sugar. They enjoyed them so much they all wanted a second one so I had to rustle up a second batch of batter.

Fortunately someone else did the cleaning up. :grin: Why is uncooked pancake batter so messy?

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I like sliced bananas with my maple syrup. Yummy!


I can’t believe they actually sell pancake batter mix in supermarkets. What’s so difficult in making them yourself?