Yes I have no tomatoes

[quote=“Barry, post: 1180647”]
Here are my plants this morning Muds, left and right are “Shirley”, and the one in the middle is a cherry tomato “Supersweet”.

Barry, they look good.

Tell me something, how do you get the supports to stay upright in growbags? I never find them deep enough to sink the supports in, but yours look good.
I use large deep tubs instead now.

[quote=“Mups, post: 1180704”]

I actually build a framework Mups, which is supported at the top by being attached to the greenhouse frame as in the picture. By the way the plant at the far end is cucumber, we are having the first of them on our salad today. :slight_smile:

Ah, I see now. Thanks Barry.

They look great Barry. I have my Shirley planted outside and they have tomatoes turning red already. Must be this hot weather as that is early for us.
Mups we sink the grow bags into the ground and always cut a square at the bottom of each section so the roots can get deeper.
Well I say we, actually its he:-D

Oh, I see. Ta muchly. :slight_smile:

Wow these look great Barry .
I shall take this pic out and show it to my losers and give them a good taking too!
I think mine have grown too big and leafy they are about four foot tall now and bushy .

Thanks Julie I will hold you to that !:slight_smile:

As the tomatoes in my greenhouse are not doing so well, l have now brought them outside to see if they’ll do any better.

Talking about flowers, the flowers on my runner beans are falling off and l can see only one bean! I have fed them today and let the hose run in the earth around them.
Let’s hope they improve!!

Art, this happened to me one year and I have found the white flowered plants less succeptable to this problem than the red.

See if this helps:

My beans have done good and we are eating them now .
The outside tomatoes have set Ok so it must be the heat inside as you thought Mups .


My tomatoes this year have been a disaster and my beans have been destroyed by the pigeons.

My marrows and courgettes however are going great.

Art, a few posts back you said about the flowers dropping from your runner beans, well mine are fed and watered regularly, but I am losing flowers now too, especially the red ones. The white ones are dropping, but not quite as bad. Isn’t it annoying!
The little French beans are doing better though.

Regarding tomatoes, I have 3 different varieties, but the one called ‘Sweet Aperitif’ is absolutely loaded with tiny cherries.
I have never seen so many on one truss. There is over 50 tiny ones on just one big truss! Dying to see them ripen. :smiley:

This is what Thompson & Morgan say about this variety:

With its multi branching fruit trusses, this red skinned cherry tomato produces excellent yields of delicious, bite sized fruits. Each fruit weighs approximately 12g and when grown in the greenhouse over a long period, up to 500 thin-skinned, shiny red cherry fruits are produced per plant - that’s about 6kg (13 lbs)!

Question I have a cucumber plant that someone gave me it’s in a big pot .
My brother says it should go into the conservatory /greenhouse but it’s lived outdoors all it’s life . I have never grown a cucumber before so any hints ?

Me too.

My garden is new so my beans were a bit of an experiment to see how well they would do. I planted a dwarf French bean and have had good results although not enough for a meal at any one time. So I need to plant a few more next year if I can find the space.

Here you go Muddy:

MUDDY, tried to PM you about the cucumbers, but your message box is full. :slight_smile:

Sorry :frowning:
Have weeded out a bit of space .
Thank you for the link I now have to find out if it’s an indoor variety or outdoor ,

OK. Hope it is of some use. :slight_smile:

I never plant tomatoes but the funny thing is that I get tomatoes growing out of my compost, I usually a get a dozen or so each year. I am not one to look a gift horse in the mouth so I always pick them.

Sometimes the birds have a go at them but I usually get at least a dozen tomatoes of various varieties.

Latest news
I now have tomatoes lots of them
Now need sun to make them all ripen :slight_smile: