Y2K all over again

I plan on spending the majority of 2022 on the road. Mostly visiting places (nature wise not city) I’ve always wanted to go. I have spent most of this year gearing up. Right now I plan on leaving around March and returning around October.
One problem I am having is in getting certain gear. Especially freeze dried foods. There is not much available and what is, is too expensive. Why are people gathering up survival kits (Apocalyptic survival kits) This is almost as bad as Y2K except the “end of the world panic” was loud with Y2K. With this it’s like people are getting ready quietly. Anyway it’s pissing me off because some really basic materials are hard to get. I got news for you if the world ends tomorrow that emergency survival kit, that you paid mega $$$ for is probably gonna last you a day a week at best, and that’s only if you get to use it.
People are weird and (it might be COVID)but, they are getting weirder.
Word of advice if the world as we know it ends tomorrow survival supplies aren’t going to help a tenth as much as survival skills. So instead of filling your garage with supplies maybe you should read a book or two on how to live rough.


so why not take tinned food Danny?

Oh, I will buy tinned food and fresh as I go. I was just using that as an example. :grinning:

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I hope it all works out Danny, happy travels… :+1:

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@wishbone I laughed my azz off last night. I watched a guy unbox a $1,700.00 survival kit. I have all the same stuff (except freeze dried food) and I paid nowhere near $1,700.00, Although their first aid kit was way over mine in terms of ingredients. :grinning: :joy:

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how long does that $1700 kit supposed to last You?

Food wise about a week maybe two. There were about 20 meals. 2 rolls of TP. The most useful thing in there was something I don’t need, but for others a must. A book on how to live off the land. The kit itself though a week maybe two. Totally not worth it.


Thanks. It will I’m just bitching over long delivery times. I am 90% geared. So nearly ready already. :grinning: :grinning:

I presume your talking about travelling around the USA not over here in Europe.
The japanese can do 12 countries in 15 days the speed they go at touring

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Yes, and if I have the time and funds parts of British Colombia. :grinning:

@realspeed @wishbone @Barry I only intend on being places a few times where I might need a few days worth of supplies just because going for more may prove to be logistically inconvenient. :grinning:

have been to a couple of places in the USA such as Clearwater and went to the Manatee rescue centre . Done the space centre in Florida and Disney world of course. been to California to Alcatraz and muir woods two seperate holidays of course also the amazing Yosemite National Park well worth a visit

Would love to do the Mississippi river trip but costs too much from the UK

So many places to see in the world but never get, age and costs prevent

been to a couple of places Spain -Italy-Greece-Sicily- Tunisia- Japan- China- Brazil- Norway -Russia- Latvia- Argintina- USA -Germany to name but a few off the top of my head

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Great video. I bet that was a great place to see! :grinning: :grinning:

One item I have seen a lot of lately looking up survival gear is:
Now in a end of world situation I’m not sure gold is going to help. This is 50g of gold and you can break off each square and it is exactly a gram. Kind of nonsensical. :joy:

I’m not sure exactly what you mean by on the road…will you drive to parks and then hike for a few days? Or go on foot most of the way? Will you be among other folk or mostly by yourself? Going deep into natural forests or looking for museums and unusual displays?

Enlighten us a bit more, please. I’d like to know why the survival talk?

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Driving but camping rather than hotels. National Parks and nature in between. I will be by myself.

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I doubt if I will do any of the touristy stuff, depends. I’m am planning on working my way slowly through Oregon, Washington and then up into BC hopefully.

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Ah, now I’m getting a clearer picture. More a wandering rover with common sense mixed with a bit of adventure. I hope you find what you’re looking for, even if you don’t know what it is yet.

Safe travels when you go… :slightly_smiling_face:

Some of the items I take are in case I get stuck in bad weather or other circumstances where I get stuck for any length of time. I carry several “survival” items for these cases. Hence the survival talk, that and the fact that people seem to be doing the Y2K thing again. It’s just as ridiculous now as it was then, but if they keep predicting the fall of society, one of these times they’ll be right.

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