Wow, I think it has been years since I was last bitten by a Mosquito

What a strange thought to come into my head. Wonder if I am exuding something that keeps them away?
Blowflies still love me though :slightly_frowning_face:


Oh i wish i could say that.

Mozzies love me - even when i put insect repellant on, one or two still manage to get me.


I discovered eating Vegemite on toast in the morning helped keep them away but after a short time I thought I would prefer to risk it.


Lucky you, I canā€™t count the number of mosquitos I get every Summer, even with repellent they still manage to find a little patch on my skin where the repellent didnā€™t get to. :slightly_frowning_face:
In the past they would only be around after sunset but now with so many new species, especially the ā€œtigerā€ ones, they attack at all times of the day.


We moved from Beddington in Surrey opposite one part of the River Wandle and blamed the river for our Mozzie invastion at times.
We moved to a wonderful location in Bexhill On Sea just on the far edge of Pebsham Housing Estate.
Was our first own drive with a Garage and was on the side of a hill making the Bunglelow look like the Lounge Room was called and we fell in love with the location which was on an unmade Lane leading to a Farm right next to ours and a Country Park just a stones throw away,Opposite was a small wild woods. then some houses spread apart making the area countryside but full of wild life,
the driveway was enclosed in the old River Bank so did attrack some Mozzies at certain times.
Turned out we were to be invaded by these pests on a regular basis.
We had to fly screen all windows and only open the Windows when first check the drive bank for mozzie signs.
We purchased various anti mozzie products.
We had a Pond already in situ but dug it out and made a larger one adding a waterfall and some Fish.
By this time we had a routine that revolved around these pestie Mozzies. We had decided to purchased some Chickens and bought those from the local Chicken Farm called Mantle Farm. We chose Bantums and took on their Chicken training course as we had absolutley no idea how to care for Chickens. Husband took a part time job working with Mantle Farm Owner, Jason. Husband was brillant with wood so when it came to building the Chicken Pens and Houses Jason was very impressed with his work.
Customers that would come to Jasonā€™s farm shop soon spread the word and the two man team soon became unindated with work for various chicken builds.
We did construct another water feature for the front Garden that was a steep slope and so we had two wild life ponds one at the top and one at the base in between we dug out a stream. Pump installed enableling the water to flow to each other. Lucky enough to have persmissioin to take the large off cuts of Granite that arrived to help stop the sea invading the land.
Shall have to look for some of the Photos I have taken over the years to show off really!
Lots of bad attacks by the ā€˜mozziesā€™ over the years and when we decided we have to move we had on the no go list for the new buyā€¦No Mozzies No high water tableā€¦No garden that is not built on flat land. We found this propertyu eventually and it has been the near purrfect move for sure.


What works better than eating vegemite is smearing over ones body. Impenetrable barrier. :smile:

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Sounds wonderful. Mozzies can ruin good times lounging outside.

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And The Bees Nests wonderful untill they prevent you using your own Garden!
Not complaining though as we found with the Bees there was so many people locally wanting to remove them and re site them in wanted placesā€¦It was quite a great experience with watching those rescue peeps at workā€¦Fully clothed in the bee keepers clothing and a spray to attach the Queen into the new ā€˜ā€˜homeā€™ā€™ I believe and it seemed to calm them down as well. Once the Queen is in her new ā€˜ā€˜homeā€™ā€™ then the others scramble to join her.

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Those dunny budges are attracted to decay, so perhaps Iā€™d better keep my comments to myself :wink::point_right::grin:

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A wise decision. Mouth shut and all that. :smile:

I get bitten constantly.
My doctor said it has something to do with my blood type.
Repellents never work on me,i am waiting for a watch device that is supposed to give a signal out to repel
midges,lets hope.

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Mosquitos are pussycats!
Wee swarms of Scottish midges on the other handā€¦


Itā€™s been years since Iā€™ve been bothered or bitten by mosquitoes. They leave me alone. And bees? Iā€™ve only been stung onceā€¦I was 13 years old in the back seat of a convertible going to the beach with friends, and I sat on one. Short shorts were too short! I think that bee was saying, ā€œGet off me!ā€ in his unique way. :blush:

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I did too, especially in the far east in the tropics. But there was an exception - a tin mine in Malaysia. It got sprayed every day and that was quite a few acres.


Och, the noo, Mon !


Once bitten, twice shy.

Donā€™t go out at night wearing shorts, donā€™t let them into your bedroom (donā€™t open the windows after dark).

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Scary stuff, Iā€™m looking forward to some wild camping next year, midges are not to be dismissed lightly! :astonished:

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And me !


Got my special magic scarf anyway :slightly_smiling_face:

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Well, good for you!