Wow, I think it has been years since I was last bitten by a Mosquito

Are you helping to keep me safe fron insects or…two legged kind of pest?:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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But you have the consolation of living in a beautiful place like Italy :grinning:


Vampires :icon_eek:

(and other blood-suckers!)

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Yes, that’s true, I have never had any regrets moving out here :smiley:.

When I first came to Australia in the 1960s I used to burn a mozzie coil every night because a mozzie bite would swell up and itch something terrible.

Over the years I seem to have built up a resistance to them and even though they might still occasionally bite me, the swelling, if any, is so minor I don’t notice it.

However over the years the bush flies have bothered me more, I used to be quite happy with the Aussie wave or using a broken off bit of brush but the last couple of years I have taken to wearing a fly net if they are really bad. I carry one in my car at all times now just in case. I should stress that is if there is a swarm of them, one or two are no worries at all.


My Wife keeps me safe on this front, when we watch programs like Escape to the Country, and they show idyllic properties with their own ponds or river frontages, she says “Spitty, think about the Biters on a summer evening”, she is my saviour :grin:


Forget anything else; this is a loss that will have consequences for our own well-being. Pollination, makes the conservation of insect diversity critical for future generations.


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