Would you want to know you are going to die before hand or die suddenly without warning?

I hope I pop out of existence without warning. Better not to know

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Wouldn’t mind about 10 years warning which is probably about all I have left anyway if I’m lucky .
It would be nice to say goodbye to my loved ones.
With this in mind it’s best to say everything while you are still above ground .


I suppose it would have its benefits.

I would need some notice to sort out my affairs, and hide any incriminating stuff from certain interested parties! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Can’t be any worse knowing my jokes are going to die anyway, just a question of when

As you dont know when you are going to die best do it asap.



There is the accuracy of the forecast to consider and how the

information is given to you.

I found out by letter dated 9th March this year, which was delayed in the post.

I had been granted Attendance Allowance, a contribution to care costs.

It went on to say that I had been granted the full allowance under the ,

Special Rules.

The Special Rules are that it has been decided that you have less than six months to live.

It went on to say that the award was being backdated until 5th August 2022.

The maths is not good, I should have been dead already.

I am a difficult person to kill, I have a great zest for life and do not die easily.

In this instance there is no way out, it is my own body which is killing me, not someone else trying to kill me.

Families can be very strange things, if there is money involved it is an education to see

It is not a pretty sight at times.

Will changed, things sorted out, yes.

Easy to do legally, but not something which is very appealing to have to do.

I have already outlived the Medical Experts.

I intend not only to out live them but to prove that I can do more than they say.

It is all about the quality of life, it is the life in your days, not the days in your life.

My advice is very simple, just go for it, and that includes a massive downsizing.

Avoid giving the Government a penny in Inheritance Tax.

Do not leave a big, expensive house, easy for the Government to grab hold of your money.

Spend it on yourself and give it away in cash.

Do not feel sorry for yourself, we all die.


Start doing that now. We never know when the day will come. :pensive:


I agree. Never leave anything for the Government to collect. Give everything you have to those you value the most, include a very worthwhile charity.

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deleted post
My reply was intended for Swimfeeders.

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I want to be reading your inspirational posts for a long time so stick around :grinning:


Better for me to die suddenly but I worry for those I leave behind I know my close family will be so upset… there is no good time I suppose. Gosh I will be so sorry to leave them all :frowning:

If yer worried about impacts, live alone :grin:

No I don’t want advanced warning of my end date !
To avoid painful death duties I recommend getting a good trust fund manager / advisor to lessen the pain.
I wanted to see my sons enjoy their inheritance in my lifetime , money was doled out several years ago.


It’s a bit strange for a small island with a rolling population of around 67 million, not to come across a random dead person who died of natural causes spark out in the street, what are the chances of that? :grin:
That would suggest that in most cases, a warning of impending doom will be delivered :icon_wink:


That’s right. When I throw a 7, I do not wish to have advanced warning.

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It is a sad topic to consider. Family and friends will miss us. Kind words will be said. Much regaling over good memories.

That is a wonderful thing to do for your sons. You get to be a part of their plans. What a wonderful person you are.
This is the first time I have heard of this approach. Maybe plenty of people do it, not something that is advertised throughout communities.

About 10 years ago I had a health scare

Large mass in abdomen, they assumed cancer, looked pretty bad

And what I feel about this is that your life after your diagnosis feels completely different to your life before.

I talked to other people who have had terminal diagnosis, and people in their families and they’ve confirmed. Knowing you are dying changes your life and outlook completely

And knowing how that feels, I’d rather not have that change and spend the time up to my death in blissful ignorance, just living as normal

(I got lucky, misdiagnosis, benign, a second chance)

This was a terrible tragedy because of the young man’s age and my heart aches for his mum and his loved ones

But if I could choose a way to depart this mortal coil now I’m old, struck by lightening while paddle boarding on the Mediterranean would be my first choice


I was glad to hear that your scare turned out to be nothing serious Maree, I don’t always agree with you, but you are an asset to the forum…


I wouldn’t want to know, at least not on a casual basis.
And I don’t even play cards!