Would You Use Garlic Grown In China?

I quite agree with you there. We don’t need to wait for a campaign though, we can all do our bit whenever possible. The other day I saw raspberries in Tesco from Portugal, they didn’t look all that fresh, like a lot of their produce lately, and the price I thought was a bit much so no purchase there. A day later at Aldi there were raspberries grown the UK, they looked nice and fresh, were considerably cheaper than Tesco – they tasted delicious. :slight_smile:

I’d like to know how you work that one out. There is no way in the world Britain could feed itself, it hasn’t been able to since before WWII when the population was much smaller.

I don’t care where garlic comes from, I won’t eat it.
I can’t stand talking to someone who has had garlic for their evening meal. Why don’t they use mouthwash or eat mints afterwards? I don’t want to smell their bad breath! It’s as bad as standing next to someone who has b.o. Disgusting.

That’s balls Bruce!
We can’t feed ourselves because we have opted to pay cheaper prices for foreign stuff, food included, to the demise of agriculture and industry. We can’t feed ourselves now because we are no longer equipped to do so.

And if you don’t believe me you’d better stop using salt ( a combination of a poisonous gas and a reactive metal) even though salt in moderation is essential to well being.

Absolute crap.

It takes about 1.2 acres (0.5 hectare) to feed a person for a year using modern farming methods, Britain has about 40 million acres of productive farm land and a population of 65 million.

Do the maths! Anything else is wishful thinking.

Doesn’t matter how much farmland we’ve got I still won’t eat garlic, Chinese or UK-grown. :slight_smile:

There’s the answer then – 25 million (or more) of us should move to Australia, that would solve both the practical and the maths problems!

Alternatively, and this was found while searching for information on how much land needed to feed a person, is the information on the link below, it is food for thought (excuse the pun, it’s deliberate):

Britain has already tried that a couple of centuries ago and look at the pickle you’re in now, gawd knows what mess you’d end up in if you tried it twice.

Eat some garlic Floydy it’s good for you
Keeps the vampires away too!

keeps the wives away too with that stinky breath :mrgreen:

It’s awful and extremely rude of anyone to feel no shame about breathing on people after eating it.
Filthy habit. As bad as having to breathe in other people’s cigarette smoke.

You are probably right Bruce, but how come we let it get so bad?
How come our politicians let it get so bad?
Even though we might not be able to feed all of the population with local produce, we could certainly reduce the amount of air miles (or ship miles) by growing more and importing less…

:023: :023:

We are not making any more arable land.

You’re supposed to bruise a couple of cloves, throw it into your stroganoff, discard two hours later.

… not eat it raw!!! ;-):cool::-p

Don’t know much about that Bruce, I am not that old! However, I did find some information on the link below about convicts being sent to Australia, we have plenty of these, our prisons are also getting full so perhaps we can send some to you? :slight_smile:

Good idea Baz, all the people there live around the edges, nobody lives in the middle…:102:

We are not utilising what arable land we do have, we are being told what to grow by the EU…And the farmers get subsidised to do it.
Take a drive around the countryside in Doncaster, Maize, Oil Seed Rape and Linseed. When I was young it was Peas, spuds, sugar beet, turnips, barley and wheat/corn plus many other vegetables. Some fields are now used for horses.
We are not using arable land to best effect and that’s why we have to import stuff. I spend most of my time running and walking in the countryside around here and see first hand how the fields are being used.

In that case then there’s plenty of spare space, especially as the total population of Australia is only 25,274,428. Even more reason when it’s shown the UK has 248.25 persons per sq. km., while Australia has only 2.66 persons per sq. km.

Come on now Bruce, in view of the above how many extra persons would you like to add to your present population? :wink: :slight_smile: