I was in Asda recently and l saw they had three garlic bulbs for 50p. I thought it a good price and picked a pack up to purchase. I then saw the label where it stated it was grown in China.
I don’t know why but l just couldn’t buy it, as China wasn’t a country l associated with garlic.
I was probably being very picky but have you ever purchased garlic grown in China?
As of 2016, China was the largest producer of garlic in the world, producing 80% of the global supply. Most of China’s garlic is produced in Shandong, an eastern coastal province, located to the southeast of Beijing; in particular, Jinxiang is known as “the world’s garlic capital”.
I do grow my own garlic but they are about the size of a marble so l have given up!
I did google garlic grown in China and read that they bleach the garlic and they contain toxins.
I’m not sure why l just associate garlic with France and Italy? China just didn’t seem to fit the bill.
In the US, it’s become cheaper and easier to import garlic from places like China. Unfortunately, China isn’t as stringent with its safety regulations. Reports run rampant of garlic bleached in chlorine, fumigated in pesticides, grown in untreated sewage water, and even contaminated with lead.
That magic word again Arty…In most peoples minds around here it’s all down to the price…That word (cheaper) has done more damage to the economy and the environment if truth be known…
In principle I would buy local grown but if all they had was Chinese I can’t for life of me think of a reason not to do so. It’s not like they can be cruel to garlic I am aware where I buy meat and stuff from as I try to buy from more humane sources.
Not if the produce / item doesn’t originate from an EU country they don’t. I know this is not a Brexit thread but when that is (eventually) sorted it’s about time we ALL started shopping for goods / produce grown or made in our own country. Or even before it’s sorted out. No point at all in shipping stuff from halfway round the world when we are shipping our own produce the same distance. Our home-reared lamb and that from New Zealand being prime examples of this complete madness.
Maybe we will not be able to enjoy ‘out of season’ produce but who cares. We all lived without that ‘luxury’ one time and nobody starved! Back to basics I reckon might just be a good idea!
It’s not just growing our own we need to learn to eat our own as one of the arguments we cannot be self sufficient is we have to send many meat cuts to countries where they eat them as we don’t want them. So yes grow our own but how do we address people not eating our own ?