Would you have challenged this idiot?

Yes, that’s the way it appears to me too, Donkeyman, although I would have just let the gull keep it.

In Bridlington, the seagulls still eat fish. The only problem is, they prefer their fish battered with some chips, salt and vinegar and tomato sauce! :mrgreen:

One day, my brother and I were out for the afternoon in Brid. He left his meal on the table to fetch more bread and butter, and the gulls were down in seconds scoffing his fish and chips! (Well, actually it was me who scoffed them, but I blamed it on the gulls! :mrgreen: )

I reckon greedy gulls are actually a clever government stealth tax. Gulls eat our waste and left-overs, which means that the councils don’t have to employ people and machines to clean up! :smiley:

The tax is paid when we buy take-away food at our seaside resorts. Since the Government does not provide any public warnings about the possibility of having our grub nicked by gulls, the gulls always have lots of opportunities to nick our food! :wink:

Furthermore, the economy benefits with take-aways often being able to sell more food to us in order to replace food which has been pinched by the gulls! :smiley:

Don’t think I would have challenged him. I might have offered to buy him another doughnut in return for releasing the gull, but I certainly wouldn’t have got into a fight about it! :slight_smile:

I social distance people like that.

:023: :023:

Good one GC !!
I had a similar thing with baboons !
One of our guests was smoking on his cabin deck, and he went inside for a slash,.when he came out again the baboons were sitting on the
grass trying to smoke his ciggies !! What a larf!!


Tabby said she liked animals above humans !!
Did’nt you read it ??


Never thought of that !
Maybe the takeaway owners import the gulls ??


Sounds like it’s you that’s wild Pauline ??


One nicked my Flake out of my 99 ice cream in Cornwall and then came back for a slurp of ice cream.

I am not a big fan of gulls after that. l mean…they are so skilful at it! Like professionals!

Actually - no - I didn’t.:smiley:

I think he’s in his own fantasy land…ST…;-). :lol:

Check post #65  ??
Sure you guys ain't going senile ??

Donkeyman !  

Sorry ladies, it was  Lion Queen said it!
But tabby  quoted it ?
My humblest apologies !!

Thank you - you are forgiven!:smiley:

That is not my understanding of homophobia though DM.


Homophobia encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.

Now do you see why i was confused (not senile as you suggested) at you asking Tabs such a question?

Obviously you haven’t been “ shocked rigid” by a seagull swooping down in full flight on you and taking your food ? I have ! Not excusing the man but maybe he was so shocked his reaction was to do what he did with it . Or he might have spent his last on that donut ?
No need to check if a gull guilty of attacking a human being because that’s precisely what it is …and has been well reported in the press ……is ok ….it can fend for itself …or not .

Oh, understandable misunderstanding then Mups,(if that is
But the word homophobia comes from the the Greek word" Homo"
and " phobia"! Homo meaning people or human! and phobia
meaning fear of or dislike !
Thus , dislike of humans !!
As they say in the books( the Greeks have a word for it !!)


It is always difficult, tackling a Jail Bird.

Anthropophobia is the correct definition I think ?

I agree Zuleika, l believe l posted  a similar  text to you too ?
