Would you have challenged this idiot?

I’m pretty sure I would have said something to him. The report says that onlookers were horrified but they all just walked on by.

Shocking video shows a man who horrified tourists in Torquay when he grabbed a seagull and held it upside down by the neck for over a minute before flinging it over the pier wall.

Holidaymakers and locals walking on the promenade beside the Princess Theatre watched as the man grabbed one of a flock of gulls which swooped on his doughnut on the sea wall.

He managed to grab one by the neck, held it until it dropped his doughnut which he then picks up and starts eating again. Onlookers gasped as he then flung the gull over the sea wall.

No I wouldn’t have confronted him, he sounds like a proper psycho. I would have checked to make sure the seagull was ok though. I hope he gets really sick and ill from eating the doughnut again. Days of staring at the U-bend should sort him out. Nasty piece of work.

Gosh that was a long time he was holding that bird, wicked old so-and-so.
Pity the other birds didn’t all attack the bloke, that would have soon sorted him.

Challenged the SOB? Bloody right I would. I can’t abide cruelty to living things.

Come to think of I’d probably kicked him on the ankle and straightway deliberately fallen over, had the police come, and played the poor old codger beaten up by the thug card.

There’s more ways to kill a cat than kicking it up the arse.

Could do with laying off the doughnuts, obvious who is bird brained. Not sure I would have challenged him.

There is no such thing as a seagull. The ones in the video were probably Herring Gulls & young ones too.
They can carry disease so I hope he was very ill as well, what a nasty person. He shouldn’t have put his bag on the wall, it’s an open invitation to gulls.

If he had not been eating his doughnut en plain aire, he would not have been bombarded by the gulls in the first place.

I believe Gulls are protected so hopefully the police will prosecute.

You’re right, they are.
Bet the cops don’t do anything though.

You and me both.

No , the cops won’t do anything, I would like to have tipped him over the wall cruel, arrogant man ( for want of a better word)

Nah, the bloke did nuffink wrong?
He just knew how to handle thiev seagulls
That seagull will now think twice before trying to thieve again !!
It was obviously ok as it flew off again ??


How do you know it flew off again Donkeyman?
In that video it looked like it dropped down into the water dead, to me.

What is almost equally important is that the creep subjected the creature to at the very least great stress for absolutely no good reason.

I’m old and ugly enough to know that there’s no way that I would have stood a snowballs chance in hell in a physical confrontation. But when the odds are stacked against you the best thing is to create things that change the odds in your favour hence the fall over and claim to have been attacked and trust me, in the event of facing a similar situation that is EXACTLY what I would have done.

The Old Bill might not have turned out for a seagull being attacked but for some old guy appearing to be in great pain they surely would.

I saw it was alive when he released Mups !
It was just like when your cat is fighting you and you hold it tight
enough to hold it, but not tight enough to hurt it ??
If it had escaped with the dough nut it would have been treated
worse by its mates !!


Yes, l understand your proposed tactic Todgy !!
But l doubt the charge of cruelty laid against the geezer ?
If he wanted he could easily have wrung it’s neck ?
The fact that he did’nt speaks volumes !!


He wouldn’t need to wring its neck DM, just squeezing it tightly would be enough to kill the bird. :frowning:

Can you prove he did that ??
To me it looked like he held it to remove the doughnut !
Once he had done that he released it !!
BTW, it is common practice to pacify chickens to hold them by
their legs, upside down !!

 Donkeyman !

That cruelty is not condoned but gulls are apparently becoming more of a nuisance and perhaps even a danger. Should something be done to control numbers?

Yes. We should stop taking their food source often for it to be just used as plant fertiliser in the case of sand eels.