Would you go to dinner naked with 40 strangers?

Im with Brokenvows on this it gets a no from me, and I don’t like the look of the muddy looking gloop that’s being cooked for supper :face_vomiting:


Your your braver than me Ripple :grinning:

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:wink: ok how about dinner

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What about with a pussy?
Errrmm … my cat delighted in licking fingers 🤌🐈

Perhaps…as long as breathing exercises are not required between courses and I’m allowed to wear the tablecloth.

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No, I wouldn’t go to dinner naked with anyone.

I always dress for dinner, darling, whether I am alone or with company! :yum:

Anyway, I’m a vegetarian - the sight of all that animal flesh and fat wobbling on my dining companions would put me right off my veggie options! :rofl:

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I’d happy to do it - for ten grand.

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There’s always one :wink:

Grumpy old bugger, ain’t I…
Slightly more seriously I wouldn’t do it. We regularly enjoy have family here with family and friends and it is very relaxing. In a few weeks we will have a social event with the coronation. Then shortly after that we will hook up the barbie for the whole bang here.


I wouldn’t go to dinner with strangers clothed or not.

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many strangers have washed my back naked…lol… in the pit showers

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Aye, thee 'as t’be be very pally down t’pit, but don’t drop t’soap :wink::grin:

soap…soap… only southern softees used soap
we used a stiff bristled brush… at least i hope it was a brush

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A bottle brush, perhaps? :astonished::wink::grin::+1:

Do you know one thing i did notice in the showers was that
steady girls
bald men usually had hairy bodies
and men without a lot of body hair generally had a full head of hair
fassinating stuff eh?
i never had a lot of body hair, but sadly i had to have HRT and all the hair from my waist to my neck just dissapeared, even my arms, then i required an ‘A’ cup bra…lol… just kidding…


I feel compelled to point out you seem to have had a jolly good look at these blokes in the showers…… :rofl:

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I was thinking, would it make a difference if you could choose which 40 people?

And now I’ve come over all hot and bothered and I’m off to make my list……

Yep Crabby, at 72 I still have a full head of hair but very little body hair…

a great idea Maree
but we should also be able pick their age [and your own] in this fantasy…lol

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As the years passed into old age, I found that my once prolific body hair has started to thin, just as it is now doing on my head. It is also snow white and somewhat thinner in gauge than it used to be, say 10 or so yrs ago.

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