Would you go to dinner naked with 40 strangers?

There’s an event in NY where they do breathwork and eat vegan food.

Would you attend if it was local to you?

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At 80+ I doubt if I would be invited, but if the menu was a good one and somebody else picked up the bill, I would definitely enjoy the food and maybe even the company.


It’s open to the public so you’d be welcome at the event. You’d just have to get someone to pay the fee if that’s your aim.

I certainly wouldn’t pay to eat with naked company.


But you’d pay to eat with clothed company? The fee is for the food.

When I am invited out to a restaurant, I would not expect to pay unless it was agreed prior to my arrival.

What would put me off is watching the wobbly bits and imitation looking carrots

Not to eat vegan food, but eating a nice juicy steak in the nude sounds like my kind of bash…


Oh I don’t think so, not with my ugly fat body, if |I had a nice Page 3 figure then I would consider it.

As long as I don’t sit next to a Chipolata.

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It doesn’t matter what other people think Susie, beauty is in the eye of the beholder…
And besides, who considers themselves perfect?
If they have invited folk for a meal in the nude, they must accept who turns up…Warts and all!
Sit next to me Suzie and I won’t complain…I promise no chipolata’s


Yeah, I’d give it a go. They all looked young and beautiful on the video, though, not sure about a pensioners one :scream:

I wonder if it’s a buffet, all those bare butts in the queue might put me off a bit

It wouldn’t be so bad once you sat down, a lot of the unsightly bits would be hidden under the table and I’d just have to watch my bits didn’t droop in the soup…… :melon::melon::crazy_face:


Do you promise a Savaloy OGF?

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Ah but in the video, it looks like they are doing Yoga.


i would find it gross ,sorry but it would put me off my food, and where would you wipe your sticky fingers ,


I think it was supposed to be breathing exercises. Some of them were just lying down doing the breathing.


Nope…all looks a bit hippy dippy !
Guided breathing doesn’t blow my mind man.

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Oh no sorry, they are meditating.

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As long as no one starts doing the Downward Dog! That really would put me off my buffet!

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I’d be wary of those candles too…naked people and naked flames. I suppose you’ve got to light your joss stick somehow.

Good planning I’m sure, it might not be appropriate to ask any fellow diners if they have a Swan Vesta about their person.

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I could not think of anything worse,i would rather starve.