Would you enter a dark cave?

All this talk of caves and cave systems brought back to my mind of that huge rescue in Thailand a few years ago when a load of young lads and an adult were trapped for a couple of weeks and there was a massive rescue. It must have been terrifying for them all, they were lucky they got out alive, though I do think one of the divers died.
I would never go down into a deep cave, I stay where I can see everything.

The full story of Thailand’s extraordinary cave rescue - BBC News


Yes, that would be terrifying, I doubt I would have survived

Never had any desire to go caving, dark wet and miserable

I firmly believe there are places human beings aren’t meant to go, deep under the sea, deep caves, space……

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Amazing story that one. So sad that a rescuer died.

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I might do so, but not to explore just to get out of the blazing sun. As I suffer from photophobia, I see much better in the dark.

However, I’m claustrophobic… I only managed once to visit a submarine but to please hubby who held my hand and never let go, Goddess me, I was so scared. Upon emerging had a fully blasted asthma attack. He never asked again. Thankfully!

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Post 30 Tham Luang. :smiley: :icon_wink:

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See, it ain’t just you Supernatural. :smiley:


Your phone is a torch surely? it even tells you battery strength.

I never go anywhere without my phone so I always have a torch as well

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Would you risk draining the battery, on a casual visit into a dark cave, then not being able to make an emergency call. Separate Flashlight everytime.

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I’m just so inquisitive and curious, and not just about caves, everything. But I could not resist entering a remote cave.

Same here. Never know what I might come across. Can not walk past an invitingly dark cave. :slightly_smiling_face:

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