Would you drink Zero Alcohol Beer?

Wouldn’t drink any beer less than 5%, what’s the point?

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There’s something to be said for having a weaker brew in hotter countries, especially at lunch time.

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Daytime drinking is another subject/

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Much frowned upon in Norway as I remember.

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These folks had it sussed, no 0.1% in those days :icon_wink:

Monks - and nuns - originally only brewed beer in the monasteries and convents for their own consumption . But they frequently received visitors, and shared their self-brewed beer with them. The quality of the monastery beer was far better than what was on offer elsewhere.

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I remember home brew back in the day … not good.

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If we want historic perspective then surely we need to consider the centuries when beer was safer than water, especially in towns & cities. Beer was mostly very low alcohol, 2-3%, but the fermenting process killed microbes in the water that caused illness and death.
But we’ve moved on from those days and alcohol is now one the biggest killers in the western world. So surely its quite a good thing to have a zero alcohol beer option?

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Water is a better option. 0% beer is totally pointless. And it’s not cheap.


I don’t generally like beer but I enjoy a Coors or a Tiger beer with a meal, never drink shorts of any kind…I just wear em’…

Nutritional value. It has some. Carbs and protein. It has a use, albeit limited

My husband drinks it,it tastes fine,i tried none alcoholic wine once,never again.

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I’d prefer one pint of 7% than 6 pints of 3%


No, the only time I drink beer is in Indian restaurants, where I have a Cobra, more out of nostalgia than anything else.

My friend drinks this and says it’s nice cold

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Cobra is just fine in an Indian restaurant being non fizzy/ gassy.


You can’t beat a couple of tins of “Tramp Juice” :grin:

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A merry down / special brew snake bite :nauseated_face:
I vaguely remember a bar maid telling me that if you add a shot of blackcurrant to a snake bite it becomes a purple nasty…well I never!

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snakebite with pernod, that’s one I seem to remember, but what’s it called?

Tramp juice on the rocks, way to serve it!


It’s what we always used to drink when we were young when we had a curry out and I’m conditioned. I step into an Indian restaurant, smell the cooking and fancy a Cobra!


That’s all they’ve got at ten times the price.

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Yep, the beer was secondary, many happy memories of decent little curry restaurants in the heart of London’s West End, I’m not talking about the posh stuff either, you’d just have to have been there, hard to explain!