Would you dine at an Offal Restaurant?

I wasn’t aware of those risks. I’m not a vegetarian, though.

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It must be difficult for Vegetarians to go “Cold Turkey”

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they need pudding soaked in brandy

Do you come here Offal?

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Soy is the biggest risk to vegetarians/vegans, particularly soy sauce.

Without meat it is almost impossible to replicate all amino acids humans need for health, particularly if you are vegan. If you have food absorption issues it’s a big problem.


I like offal, liver, heart, kidney, lights etc. My grandmother reckoned that by nature the British were a nation of offal eaters, faggots and peas or haggis come to mind.

While I was away recently I had a camelburger not offal admittedly.

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The problem with British sausages is that they contain so much bread one is undecided whether to fry or butter them

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Just had to look into this Bruce. You could do the same.

Bread is about 10% of the weight. I think this helps to bind the ingredients and soak up the flavour. It can be more depending on the recipe. Some use rusks. I read Australian sausages can use wheat or rice flour, which I suppose could be akin to bread. An essential ingredient to some degree anyway.

The videos I’ve been watching say there is nor offal in them as I thought there was.

I buy Cumberland sausages from Asda and not analysing the ingredients, cook them up in the air fryer. They taste great.


I have stopped purchasing WW sausages - tastless completely

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90% meat / 10% bread is about the right balance.

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btw I had my first meatless sausage yesterday … edible, only just:

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No bread in Australian sausages thank god

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Serious question!! Is it common to eat kangaroo meat in Australia?
I’ve noticed kangaroo burgers are being sold in the UK now and wondered if the Aussies ate it or just exported it to the gullible poms?

I had a kangaroo steak in the Red Centre just recently. You can usually buy kangaroo meat at the supermarket but I wouldn’t say it is common. Most people prefer beef.

Kangaroos cannot be farmed so the only meat is from culls. It has little if any fat but is supposed to be well cooked because of tape worm etc. However like most people I prefer meat medium rare at the most so it is a risk you take.


Ah right ok, thanks for the answer. :+1:

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I eqt kanga burghers everyday for breakie - taste fine to me - it 's wot ya get used to and on another thread somewhere I told the tale of goin out on the ranges and watching others kanga shooting and bring them in for breakie - skinned and sliced and cooked [not over cooked] on the barbie - delicious - tender - thinly sliced and a taste of their own which is at the moment undescribable??

I have started eating veggie sausages occasionally and have been trying different brands - the best ones I’ve tried so far have been these



I suppose it was because people were poor during and after the war and that there were food shortages.
That is probably why only the very old eat it now as they would have been fed it as children.
I doubt many people under the age of 70/80 eat offal now, you just don’t hear of it or see it sold in shops.

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My Grandmother would cook Liver, Tripe for my father back in the 70’s.
I remember the house stinking while it was being cooked.

Only if Donkey was on the menu :grin:

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