Would it be a good thing if everyone was like you?

Always good to say what is on your mind. Though people really do not wish to hear the truth.

No you don’t…

Ignoring me, that’s how I learn things. :laughing:

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Be nice to have a twin…Who was just like me…
:sunglasses: :sunglasses:

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Well, I’ve learnt that you disagree with me. :grinning:


Who said that?


I have one and it turned out, as we age, we have far less in common than people may think twins have. Haven’t seen or spoken to him for more than four years.

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Isn’t there any kind of link, emotional or psychic between you Dachs?
I’ve never had either a brother or sister so don’t know what connection I might have had…

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Long story but yes, there is, based on what we’ve been through together at a younger age and then again when our mother died. But such an emotional link seems to be eclipsed by other, more dominant factors.

I haven’t been getting on well with him since we were in our twenties. There have always been some ups and downs. The main reason for that was that my twin brother has always brought a - to my mind absolutely unnecessary - competitive element into our relationship which is totally alien to my nature yet apparently not to his. Whatever the field, sport or job or private life, he can’t accept it when I have done better than him and he makes me feel it , e.g., by refusing to come and see me. When I asked him what this keeping-up-with-me thing was supposed to mean he shrugged his shoulders and said he didn’t know, it was like a virus. So I understand the underlying reason is basically envy on his part. Plus he’s rather self-opinionated, looks down on me, and communicates to me in various ways that he feels superior which makes any conversation with him hard to bear. I can’t imagine him showing the same attitude towards other people but he seems to think that he can do so when talking to me. Sad. I acknowledge, though, that our relationship may be the exception rather than the rule.


Independent, stubborn, awkward, quick tempered, low tolerance with quite a few people both on and off line. :sweat_smile:
I think one of me is more than enough.


This is reminding me of that episode of Red Dwarf where he populated a whole planet Rimmers, then they overthrow him!


I already get on my own nerves and bore the pants off myself plus can start a fight in a phone box…….


Not exactly a pheasant plucker then :grin:


A phone box?
Oh yes…I remember those.
Iconic as they were they tended to smell of wee wee and dog ends…and the pips started going just as you were getting into the juiciest part of the conversation!


Not sure if it would be a good thing if everyone was like me.
But it would be rather nice if everyone liked me. :grinning:


Well I like you EZ…


Thank you OGF :wink: It was meant as a joke of course but it’s always nice to know somebody out there is reading stuff you post. I think you’re great too! :grinning:


I think it would be great if everyone was kind, hardworking, and honest like us. But, I also think we all have unique traits that help make life interesting.


Welcome to the forum Junifer, I look forward to reading you…

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No it wouldn’t workout if everyone was like me :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
The queues to get into John Lewis & next would be massive
My Favourite secret holiday destination would be common knowledge :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
The wait time for my fav KitKats would be staggering :scream: