Not in appearance but with the same morals, same interests, same likes, same dislikes, same…
Too boring.
I used to think people had the same morals as I had and looking back I realise I was very naive . Sadly I learned the hard way .
That is AI’s job, not yours or mine
That’s not AL’s btw
But with the same interests, same likes, same dislikes, Why would it be boring?
Plenty to talk about.
There are so many amoral people in the world it is extremely sad.
That’s how I learn things ,by people disagreeing with me
Jeez, no!
It would be too mundane, no curiosity to find alternative ways of doing things or sharing of ideas. Can hear it now, “Yes, I already knew that.” “Yes, I agree totally.”
But it would be tolerable to find others had the same moral values.
I love to meet people who think differently from me. I want to know what makes them tick. It’s great to be able to share ideas and see things from a different perspective. It’s like a catalyst for personal growth. Just to add, that’s so long as they don’t try to force their ideas onto me.
My initial reaction as well. One me is enough, thanks.
I wouldn’t mind finding people with some similar interests but not all of them.
The world would be in a bad way if everyone was like me!
We would have no artists, no musicians, no entertainers, no bold adventurers and no natural leaders.
People like me form the support network for those who are more creative and those with leadership qualities who tackle the bigger picture - people like me are good at supporting people, organising things, sorting out the details and keeping calm in a crisis but when you think about the range of jobs and occupations society needs to function, we need people to be different, to span the whole range of personality traits, talents and interests.
Very well articulated.
Sounds a bit “AI” to me
I can think of a few people I would like to change…but everyone like me nah…that would be really boring…can you imagine a world where we were all the same.
Maybe if I was really clever like Einstein or something then it might be worth considering
Not bothered if everyone was like me, I would just be happy if everyone liked me.
No…there wouldn’t be enough Kitkats ! to go round.
Mars Bars and Turkish Delights are favourites of mine.
Excellent choice
Oh Gawd, no you wouldn’t! Universal popularity? How bland would you have to be?