Would any would be weight ‘losers’ like to join me?

Well done Geordiegirl! I bet you came home feeling great. Which ‘fat club’ is it - or would you rather not say?

Its Rosemary conley :-):slight_smile:

Lol, I think that’s one of the few diets I haven’t tried. Years ago there was a TV programme with different people trying various diets & the RC diet won. :smiley:

Oh dear, confession time, I have put that pound back on again… :blush: :confused:

Throw away the scales Nuttygran and the large dinner plates and use the sideplate… no more lbs on again.

Reporting in for the weigh in. Lost 2lbs this week.-- Keep it up Geordiegirl.-- Nuttygran what can I say. Have you got an under par metabolism?Try counting calories during the week then eat more at the week-ends then back to less during the week. If you don’t do much exercise it may help to jolt your metabolism. I have a friend who lost weight this way. He found it easier to stick to a restricted diet during the week knowing he could be more indulgent at the week-end. Better luck next week.:023:

Sorry , you misunderstood … I was enquiring for a chum of mine , not for myself , but ta anyway :lol:

If I ever stop going to the Gym most days then I might need your help :wink: x x x

Annie, I only use a full size plate if I eat away from home. I don’t know what the answer is except I don’t exercise. I will just have to keep a strict eye on my calories.

Rueben, I was doing fine until Thursday then it all went pear shaped. I have recorded on FF what I intend to eat today & it amounts to 1184 kcl’s which is brinkmanship because 1200 is my limit. :smiley:

I think we ought to set a day and rough time to report in and start a separate thread for it. Otherwise the losses (or gains) get lost in the general chat of the thread.

I suggest we report each Saturday morning…

Okey dokey Sat it is then:-)

I’ll start a new thread just for posting the weight info.

It will be called, weight for it (sorry) Weight Losses

That’s my usual day so that’s fine by me too.

Lol Rocky, or gains… ??? :lol: Perish the thought! :mrgreen:

Done, I know it’s Sunday, but we can sync it with Saturdays from next week…

Does anyone else find, that at the beginning of each day they aren’t hungry until they actually eat. We are told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, yet for me, eating triggers the wish to eat. I sometimes think that if I did not eat until lunch time, I’d be fine.

You are right I think. I’m not included in this thread because I have the opposite problem. (I have no appetite at all and need to gain weight.) So by lunchtime I eventually start picking at bits and pieces. If I make a rare bowl of porridge in the morning (which is supposed to keep you full for longer) I find I am starving an hour later and so eat more and that goes on all day. Strange …


I wake up hungry and enjoy a good bowl of porridge with fruit and honey.

Hi Maryl & welcome to the thread. It’s nice to read different opinions & views. Are you a naturally slim person like Azz or have you lost your appetite for some reason? I won’t be crass enough to say I envy you because I’d hate not to enjoy food but I’d love it if there was less of me… :smiley: I agree on the porridge thing, I think some protein like eggs, are more satisfying. Because you don’t have to worry about weight gain you could cook them in butter - say an omelette, even more satisfying.



I wake up hungry and enjoy a good bowl of porridge with fruit and honey.

What time do you eat your last meal of the day Rockrider & do you have a hearty appetite for all your meals? I find it’s the evening when I want to snack.

My doctor has prescribed tablets which block 30% of the fat that I eat. Suddenly I have to look at every mouthful I consume very closely or else I can make myself very unwell and the resultant bowl movements are horrific.

I have managed to hardly take any of the tablets as I have been living on the lovely fruit that is available cheaply in the supermarkets. I am also enjoying beans on toast, tuna & sweet corn sandwiches. I have started usuing skimmed milk and I don’t bother with low fat spreads, cheeses or anything described light as it usually still has a lot of fat and loads of sugar.

BBQ every evening of chicken breasts, fish or turkey with lots of salad and baked pots. This time of year everything tastes good which is a help.

The only thing I miss is ice-cream, biscuits and chocolate, so I have been using frozen bananas to make my own fat free ice cream, chewing on bread sticks, and just dreaming about chocolate.

Kate , chum who has a lot of weight to lose is also a chocoholic ( LOL :smiley: ) and she swears by the Cadbury`s Options Hot Chocolate range …Loads of flavours to choose from and only 40 cals per mugfull … She gave me one the other night to taste and it was soooooooooo delicious … She says it saitisfies her craving for chocolate nicely and the added bonus is a good nights sleep ( she has hers last thing at night . ) She looks forward to it as her treat .

Worth a try as you dont have to buy the full jar , they do sachets too :wink: