Winter Fuel Payment 2011

Mollie, the payment is direct from Department for Work and Pensions…nothing to do with Council.

I think the payments come from the Department of Works and Pensions…

ETA … sorry Merz, we must have cross-posted!;-):smiley:

Ah, of course. Thank you ladies. I need the dosh! :smiley:

:lol: think I jumped the gun Mags :slight_smile:

My Mum got hers last week and her surname begins with T :slight_smile:

Not sure what their issuing methods are.

Edit for spelling…too early in the morning :lol:

Carmen darlin’ - office by office but based on the claimant’s National Insurance number - some offices are either smaller or more efficient than others which is why payments are apparently haphazard.

My Mom’s name starts with a G but she only got her the other day my Dad same surname :wink: has not got his yet.

Sorry Kazz, I pressed the EDIT button on your post instead of the Reply :blush:

I received my notification today, exactly a week after my OH.:smiley:

Hope the rest of you will not have too long to wait for yours…

I received my notification letter yesterday :slight_smile:

Joe received his today.

Not sure why they send all these letter, it must cost a fortune. They could just give us the money :mrgreen:

What they would save on postage they could add on to the Allowance :mrgreen:

Got our notifications today, hope it arrives in the bank soon as it could not have come at a better time, and not for heating that for sure.:wink:

Same as me, Hammer. I need it for some badly needed specs. :smiley:

Not got mine yet though. :frowning:

your so lucky to get that :wink:

My notification came today and came from The Pension Service in Edinburgh. My surname begins with E. and OH’s letter came about 3 weeks ago. Pity its spent already - I can use it to pay for some of the toys on my credit card.

I must have upset someone really bad up there Mollie as mine fell apart outside this morning and in looking for the bits I stepped on half of them scraping all the lens.

Well I couldn’t see wiv out me specs :blush:

Have to get fitted up with something tomorrow.
Never bloody well rains does it, although it did here this afternoon and a hail storm to boot.

Just checked my bank account and the money has gone in:-) It will go out faster than it went in though!!!:frowning:

:smiley: Thing is Hammer, I haven’t worn specs for years but, because of the stroke I had in April, my peripheral vision has been affected, which my doctor told me might happen.

I’m fine driving during the day, but at night I know for certain sure I’m not seeing as clearly anymore and that is frightening. Sadly, I’ve no choice but to drive home from work at 4.30 p.m. when it’s gone dark, so hopefully I’ll get my payment very soon. :slight_smile:

Luckily, I only have three miles to drive, but even so … :frowning: