Will you be voting for the Conservative Party in the 2024 UK General Election? (poll)

Does look like that, made a right pig’s ear and clearly clueless so leaving the Labliars to continue the abjectification.

The media just being the media… :009:
It’s the media who run the country anyway, they will tell you how to vote by slagging off one side or the other. People are so gullible…


The young voters will fall for the same tricks we did, anyone over 50 voting on July 4th should vote for a better future for their grandchildren or nieces, nephews, they will have to pay off the debts of today. Ditch FPTP a start, then the HoL, political parties, all MP’S to be independent. All a pipedream, but voting is a waste if not changed, we have to force that change by banging on until the mob listen.

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A new phenomena is upon us; The Establishment now uses the markets to scare voters. They did this with Truss and now attempts are afoot to undermine LePenn, who’s very much a big state socialist but with the nation first / citizen first mentality.

Labour will cripple the rental sector, mark my words , I’m a reluctant landlord so I know what I’m no about.

Look out for early signs of rental collapse within 12 months

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So, it’s got nowt to do with the historic high interest rates of the last few years then?

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Or the ‘Net Zero’ strict standards that all landlords have to meet while upgrading their properties?

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That’s true Foxy, folks are already queuing up to unload the blame onto the next crowd.

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Our interest rates remain HISTORICALLY low.

Landlords are people choosing extra risks and worry, but many of us now want to exit as the balance is far too much into risk now. EG tenants wrecked a flat, but the tribunal only awarded £300. It cost me thousands to put right for the next tenants.

My SIL rented out her recently deceased Dads house. Tenant refused to pay from day 1, said thier biz had plummeted. This created huge stress. They eventually waltzed off having paid not a penny other than 1 months deposit and rent.

We will simply opt to put into lazy investments such as pensions.

LABOURS plans will exacerbate the stress of owning an asset that might yield 4% if the tenant pays.

Everyone will be talking about a much more serious rental market failure a yr from now.

Millions do not qualify for mortgage so the option of buying isn’t available

Quite. This is one of several reasons we want out. I put one on the market this month to sell.

People critical of landlords wouldn’t dream of subjecting their own pension pot to the whims of tenants where everything was stacked against the pension holder.

We’re just ordinary people who can only take so much before we get out

To repeat; selling prices don’t meaningfully fall when landlords exit because there’s huge demand to buy anyway.

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Just Received Postal Vote selections.
Genghis Khan not listed.
Guess It has 2B. A Cross @ Farage. :innocent:


I received my postal voting papers earlier in the week and placed my cross and returned them yesterday. I applied for postal voting when my late husband couldn’t manage to vote at the polling station in the last general election due to his health problems - I forgot to cancel it after he died so still get one for myself.

I’ve sent my 200 postal votes in all under assumed names…Well it worked for Sleepy Joe Biden…

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There was a piece on our evening news about the Tories problems

Postal Voting, is certainly a convenient method.
Stimulating one who finds, getting our of bed a a mammoth task.
Also dispelling any inclination to Apathy. By ignoring the whole Pantomime.
My return won’t be posted until a week before Demolition Day.
JIC .Its wisdom goes to some analytic process. And becomes a ‘Genghis Khan’ Influencer.
:wink: :rofl: All the way to the commode.

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How does that work exactly? Details of how you register all these names. Details of how, when they receive your 200 postal votes and check them against the electoral register, these votes all go through. Basically details of why you are convinced of fraud when its consistently been shown not to exist on anything other than a tiny scale.

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:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Got Ya!.. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


It Exists even if deemed on a small scale. A small scale has little impact on Parliamentary Voting. But On Local Councillor election A very significant fraudulent impact. Postal voting seen as the primary source.

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There are thousands of reports on the cost of living and rent crisis in lefty run Australia. Here’s one below.

The left of centre G20 leaders are unpopular, so the idea UK Labour will fix things, bares no scrutiny

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Well of course your claim of submitting false postal votes was not true. But your comment about Biden reflects something often bandied about - postal voting and voting without IDs is in some way rife with fraud. But they are not.

Conradd I was talking to a friend whose daughter has just moved to Australia and she was telling me how they’ve got a housing crisis, I was so surprised to hear that as the impression I got from some on here was we were the only country in the world to be having the problems that we’ve got.