Will you be voting for the Conservative Party in the 2024 UK General Election? (poll)

Please stop posting screenshots @Conradd. Instead quote the text and then link to the source.

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I agree on genuine investment for manufacturing growth.

You are aware we’re now 8th for manufacturing?

I would like to see more investmen by UK pension funds into UK manufacturing, in part the Truss crash was caused by pension fund addiction to Govt bonds, which would devalue if the focus was placed on investment in actual production as opposed to Govt debt

Surely tiff, all those wanted posters of you would suffice…

To be honest i do not know who to vote for . I just dont trust or believe any party now . I know i should vote , but who . I am so disillusioned with them all . Non seem to care about Britain . Its a case of I’m alright Jack with the rich and powerful .


There are a lot of pics of me around, but as they were all taken many years ago I no longer look the same, so hopefully would not be recognised. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I agree with you totally Susan, they all stand for the same thing really, and it’s not out of loyalty or patriotism of the UK it’s for their own benefit and the ‘how the UK should be run’ in their opinion despite what the working classes think, with a bit of virtue signalling thrown in for good measure and to keep the common people thinking that they really give a monkeys about climate change. How could they, when most of them live in £1 million plus houses and drive around in monstrous petrol gobbling Range Rovers.
@Lincolnshire …Voting for a supposedly uneducated ex miner (probably your words) who couldn’t give a toss about net zero or climate change might be a wasted vote, but it’s my vote to waste. Better that than not voting at all…

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Good-oh, taking my advice then, for once!

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I really do need guidance and those who are in the know about politics can you give me some . The way i feel i may not even vote yet i know i should . I’m so disillusioned . I lost interest and trust many years ago .

I fear for our country with illegal immigration out of control . ( i live where THE BARGE is moored )

NHS loss of our dentists people having to pay when there is no money . Our wonderful nurses and doctors leaving in droves . So many going private

I could go on with my concerns but if i vote who will take care of our country .


We’ve had 14years of conservative government …they are still blaming the Labour Party for the mess the country is in today :joy:
Brexit put the tin lid on it for me !
Covid partygate .
Boris Johnson .
The lies the deceit .
Vote Tory Hell No.


My vote is none, the only way to get the attention of all political parties and Independents. Anything than the arrogant Conservatives, Labour who hang onto unfair outdated FPTP. Real change means a different system of voting.

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If I was living in England I would vote for the Green Party. In Wales I am going to vote Plaid Cymru and if I was in Scotland I would vote SNP :smiley:


Is miss whiplash still around?, if so she’ll get my vote…

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Well yes, good question. But (I think it was assumed in your question) is another question - who will look after the people in our country. All of them. And also, if I may add, in the long term.
I’d note that the Conservative party are now proposing the re-introduction of nation service. I suspect that might a few on this forum think that this is a good idea. I do not.

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Really? Why? Genuinely curious… :astonished:

I have always liked the SNP (far more progressive than labour and cons) and I am all for Scottish independence - in the hope that Wales follows and then we rejoin the EU :smiley:

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Ok, well I understand the need for Independence, but I do think that SNP have set themselves back quite a bit in light of their recent “activities”. Lets hope Gething has his papers in order…because someone has to set an example for their country :roll_eyes:


Brilliant idea, I might have to rethink my election choices… :017:

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Brilliant idea? Seems those who know think otherwise. In fact, most see it as a really bad idea.

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Might vote Tory just to see how this pans out in todays society!!!

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[quote=“spitfire, post:79, topic:104157, full:true”]
Might vote Tory just to see how this pans out in todays society!!!
[/quote] Spitty Behave
It won’t pan out …As the Tories are already down the pan :wink:

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