OMG is there no dignity left!
I am amazed that someone like Rebekah Vardy seems to be accompanied by security men .as of she were a super star or royalty .
Ruthio, I am surprised by you.
You have also seemed so knowledgeable about men and their weird ways.
Measuring willy size against a remote control is very common and often asked for by the ladies on dating sites.
You can always find the remote, not many have a tape measure to hand so to speak.
What !!!
Good thing you make me laugh so much, or I might have to put a spell on you!!
Which is yours Swims!!!
Yeah, I didn’t like to ask.
Don’t like to brag but…
hahahaha, that made me laugh out loud and I’m at work!!! haha
The two of them will look like old women by the time this trial finishes. The stress and strain will damage them.
The lawyers must be rubbing their hands with glee.
As for remote controls… l hope all you men have checked your batteries are working!
Here is the artist’s impression of the Rooney’s and Ms Vardy in court today…
More and more bizarre claims are coming out.
Coleen and Wayne are made to look a bit odd in the drawing!
Someone should definitely sue that artist .
The Vardy woman ( who clearly has never followed the Oscar Wilde case ) is suing Colleen Rooney for wait for it - defamation of character .
Colleen accused her of leaking stories about Colleen and family to the Sun .
Colleen blocked off her friends on her Instagram ( don’t ask ) and then leaked out false stories only visible to Vardy . Sure enough they reappeared in The Sun .
I hope the Rooneys win .
Vardy can sell her story to Netflix
So do I!
Good grief - are our posts being counted now?
Never in the reign of pigs pudding would i be interested in anyone who is self obsessed and loves the limelight as both of those do.
Both of them don’t .
Colleen Rooney did not bring the case .