Will You Be Following The Wagatha Christie Libel Trial?

Here is the artist’s impression of the Rooney’s and Ms Vardy in court today…

More and more bizarre claims are coming out.
Coleen and Wayne are made to look a bit odd in the drawing!

Someone should definitely sue that artist .

The Vardy woman ( who clearly has never followed the Oscar Wilde case ) is suing Colleen Rooney for wait for it - defamation of character .
Colleen accused her of leaking stories about Colleen and family to the Sun .
Colleen blocked off her friends on her Instagram ( don’t ask ) and then leaked out false stories only visible to Vardy . Sure enough they reappeared in The Sun .
I hope the Rooneys win .
Vardy can sell her story to Netflix

So do I! :heavy_check_mark:

Good grief - are our posts being counted now?

Never in the reign of pigs pudding would i be interested in anyone who is self obsessed and loves the limelight as both of those do.

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Both of them don’t .
Colleen Rooney did not bring the case .

are we nearly there yet!

Had Rebekah Vardy ever heard of Oscar Wilde she would not have brought this case .

I’d rather stick pins in my eyes!


It was funny when Rebekah Vardy was being questioned in court about her agent’s missing mobile phone being in ‘Davy Jones’ Locker’.
Rebekah Vardy asked, ‘Who is Davy Jones?’

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I am pleased to see that Rebecca Vardy has lost her case .

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One of the front pages on the red tops this morning read, “Judge was WRONG, says Vardy”. What a joke, the daft bint could quite easily have been done for lying under oath. In any case, it is unlikely that she will win any request for an appeal because of the extensive judgement against her.

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I was pleased to see Vardy lost the case too - she was foolish to bring the case to court in the first place.
I believe that Coleen Rooney had offered quite a while ago to “agree to disagree” and pay some money to charity instead of wasting it on legal fees, if Rebekah Vardy would drop the case but she insisted on continuing.

The only winners here are the legal teams who collect the fees - all from Vardy, I presume.

I agree, Boot.
RV seems a very foolish and vindictive woman, to me.

Nope, Silly rich bitches and their squabbles don’t interest me. :slightly_frowning_face:


silly old moos.

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The deluded Miss Vardy, who jumped to fame by marrying a premier league footballer after having various children by different men thought she had arrived… but she ended up with a bill for 3 million pounds!
I wondered when she married Jamie Vardy, why his parents refused to go to their wedding.
It all makes sense now.

Rebeca Vardy is the very epitome of someone who is as common as muck .
Closely followed by Sarah Ferguson both of whom are mere hangers on of rich men .

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The wife and I have just sat through The Talk TV interview with Rebekah Vardy. Kate McCann, (her of the fainting episode with Sunak & Truss), did the interview.I’m surprised she did’nt faint again, during this big bore. Certainly gave Vardy an easy time. Hardy a serious question asked, Vardy playing the innocent, where was Andrew Neil when you wanted him! A complete waste of 60 minutes. Mind numbing stuff, avoid if you can! :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :shushing_face: :dizzy_face: