Will Sunac "Get Brexit Done"?

Droll indeed, but I wouldn’t give up the day job just yet.:grin:

@strathmore , lt says a lot about a person when they laugh at their own
jokes !!
Try explaing why and how the EU has the say in controlling what is our
territory ??
Should we also let them come here and dig up our crops and take them away ?
Answer YES or NO please ? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

The EU has a shared say in how the fish stocks are managed in UK waters because that was baked into the withdrawal agreement. That’s how.
Guess what? This is not a unique arrangement.
It struck me that this is a complex issue. I doubt any of us understand all the complexities. You claim to have an “answer” - UK boats only fish in UK waters. But is your understanding of all the facets of the current arrangement and how it came into being complete? If you can explain the below then maybe you have a point worth considering. Until then you are just banging a jingoistic drum.
Fishing licences for the UK. Can you explain how they work and what they bestow & limit? How long is a licence valid for - what is the cost for them to be rescinded?
Fish movement - are you seeking to protect waters or fish? They do move about, you know.
Fish protection - what’s the implications of two different fishing quota systems (or other protection systems) running right next to each other? Again, the fish do move about.
Fish import / export - given that the UK fishing fleet is highly dependent on exports, and that overall the UK is a net importer of fish - what would be the impact of immediately excluding all EU boats from UK waters?
Landing fish - currently UK boats can apply for permission to land in designated EU ports (and EU boats in UK ports). This is often convenient and important - closest port or better fish prices. What’s the impact on this arrangement if the UK excludes EU boats from UK waters?
Other N Sea / N Atlantic countries - what’s the arrangements for them and the EU?
Agreements outside North Sea & Atlantic - should the EU get agreement to fish for surplus stock in these territories?



@strathmore , The complexities you speak of have been purposely inserted
into the system by EU since they applied the common fisheries and
agriculture policy soon after UK joined the common market ,
This allowed even nations with no history of fishing in the north sea to
operate fishing boats there and to operate these boats by registering their boats in a British port and of adopting the british flag!
Can you believe that even land locked switzerland had or has a deep dea trawler ?
These changes were not carried out in one fell swoop, but bit by bit and our
moronic leaders either didn’t care or never noticed what was happening !Does this scenario seem likely to achieve any sort of conservation ?
The EU’s own fishing waters, particularly in the med and coastal Spain are
largely barren due to sewage and over fishing, a lot of these boats are now
fishing the north sea. How long will it be before they empty that too ?Much simpler for us to take back full control and regulate things to our own
advantage and to the EU’s !
A prime example of the EU’s mis- management is throw back policy, whereby
if a trawler has achieved its quota of say cod, but still needs to fish for another species to fill it’s hold, then if they happen to catch more cod by mistake then
they have to dump all the extra cod(even if it is a complete Netful of fish !)
These fish have been damaged by the weight of fish in the net and are unlikely
to survive?
What is the point of this? Except for “rules is rules” bureaucracy !!
We have a chance to right all these wrongs in the next two years!
We must make sure we take it ! :thinking::thinking::thinking:
BTW, What ‘surplus’ stock are you talking about ??
Any apparent ‘surplus’ is the breeding stock for next year ?
Created by good fish management policies of the nation concerned !! :grin::grin:

I note that you are unable to respond to the questions I raised. So drum thumping it is then.

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@strathmore , Yeah! Tit for Tat eh ! :grin::grin::+1:

@strathmore , The ‘questions’ you asked turned out to be only one question
really, that was "what impact it would have if the UK Immediately banned all
EU boats from our waters ?First of all it is to late to talk about immediate ?
This possibility has been on the cards for over five years now, how much notice
do you require ?
Secondly, we are very patiently waiting to resume negotiations in the next two
years? It may be that we will grant the EU some sort of allowance to fish!
Thirdly l am not cocerned about the impact on the EU, only about UK
regaining control !
Since you have admitted that we are within our rights in doing this, l fail
to see why you are making such an issue of this matter ? :grin::grin:

Just as a matter of interest I went looking for what you pair are talking about, is this it?


It looks like you have exclusive fishing rights up to 12 miles from your coast line anyway. Remember how the fishermen whinged when Iceland tried to enforce their exclusive economic zone? Now they want to enforce the same thing, how Iceland must be laughing.

Boris must have signed something when he got Brexit done.

No one seems to have a full understanding of this Fishing issue, maybe we need to get a Birds Eye view of the situation


Your reading of my questions was, it seems, only about the consequences of the UK, unilaterally, deciding to exclude EU boats from its waters. My intent was to show the complexity of the issue and to show that the arrangements with the EU is not a UK only situation.
It seems fair to say that you do not understand these complexities and worse, do not care to. So your simplistic solution is just that - simplistic and unrealistic. And illegal.

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What was the situation in 1970 before the UK (and Denmark) joined the CM and the EU members at the time cobbled together what became the CFP to ensure all member states had access to what were well stocked fishing territories owned by the UK and Denmark.

That seems an potential initial port of call, as it were.

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@ Straffmore, Once again you didn’t read my post properly ?
The key phrase was " UK to be in CONTROL! of its territory" ?please wake up !
Why should the EU continue to administer our territory ?
We are supposed to have left the organisation ?
I have explained this already !
Pay attention!!
The question is, " why should the EU continue to administer our territory"?
Answer in as few words as you find possible !! :worried::worried:

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@Donkeyman , you’ve replied to the wrong fella :wink:

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@Dextrous63 Oh shit ! How can l fix it ?? :worried::worried:
Don’t think l will bovver, he dont read em anyway!!!


Could this this the third anti UK/anti Brexit, this poster has put up in the last 48 hours?

How is anti-Brexit the same as anti-UK? In my view, anti-Brexit is distinctly being pro-UK as its about stopping the damage that Brexit is doing. Being pro-Brexit is to therefore acting to harm the UK economy, so arguably that is the real anti-UK stance. Even if in a flag waving sense you think Brexit is so very pro-UK.

@strathmore , Maybe not anti UK then ?
But definitely anti democracy !
Should be no surprise though, from such an avid EU supporter !
BTW, Got an answer to my question yet ?? :thinking::thinking::thinking:

No, the EU does not administer anything in UK waters. Not a thing. What does happen with regard to UK waters is that the UK and the EU jointly agree, each year, fish quotas.
And before you ask, this is because that’s what the international agreement says. Same as other international agreements the EU has with other countries for their waters.
Now we’ve talked enough fish. Surely there is plaice for other topics. I’ve frankly haddock enough of your tub thumping on fishing. Cod we move on please? If not I’m going to mackerel-ot more bad fish puns.

very droll!! fish keep em comin - or you cod fish em out or just fry up and go home?