Why the Monarchy Should Have Died With the Queen

What like Putin or Kim Jong-un…Good luck with that Maree…


Young men fleeing the country,


Another reason why it’s a good job that young people don’t run this country Azz. Too much testosterone leads to impulsive and ill thought through decisions.


The bottom line (for me, anyway) is to look around other countries and find a time served system which is so vastly superior than the one we have that it’s an obvious precedence to emulate.


Greece and Bulgaria, abolished their monarchies through public referendum.

Wiki describes the political structure of Greece as an “Oligarchic Dictatorship” … :open_mouth:

Many around the world are in awe at our monarchy they grieved alongside us at our great queen’s death. I think we could throw that away with a huge cost to the country. I’m not a big fan of Charles but I remember being very fearful when this question was raised and Blair was suggested as our presidential leader!


Just as a matter of interest who was the other Hitler type person who ran Britain?

I think the first priority in Britain is to become a democracy by having an elected upper house rather than the unelected rabble you have now, then you can discuss what to do with royalty.


Does anyone think that we’ll ever be given the choice (Royalty versus other)?

No point in debating it, IMO!


Our monarchy is admired and respected around the world, as evidenced by the recent events and is a positive force for good right across the country.

As usual the left wing haters of everything British will never see past their own spite and envy, which really can be the only reason to wish it’s demise as, even on a purely financial level, it is a massive earner for the UK economy.


I think it’s a tragedy this country is run by old people, too many stick in the muds afraid of change

And old people voting out of self interest and to put down young people, hence Brexit

We could use new ideas and thinking so more power to this young man, may he and his generation get to chuck out some of the inherited privilege and class system that dog our country :muscle:t4:


Always a point in debating it, if you think something is wrong you should say so to make sure your on the right side of the barricades! Nothing changes if everyone accepts the status quo and gives up because they think there’s nothing to be done :woman_shrugging:

But Putin and Kim Jong-un are far. more comparable with our Royal Family than they are with democratically elected leaders in other countries?

They weren’t elected as leaders by a fair democratic vote, neither were our Royals

And however badly they behave, they can’t be removed by fair democratic vote, just like our Royals

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On the bright side Millennials are now overtaking baby boomers as the largest voting block as the latter die out (I presume this is true in the UK also) so change is on the way, this includes the need for pollies to have to pander to baby boomer’s whims.

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Old people equals wisdom Maree. Why do you think most ancient civilizations have their elders running things? They have made the mistakes and learned from them. Are we to make all the mistakes again? One step forward and three steps back. People voted the young Blair into Downing Street, and look what a balls up he made of things. Brexit was the voice of the common people, and not every Brexit voter was an old person.


But surely, as the older generations die out, their places will be filled by the baby boomers when they become the older generation. And by that time they should have learnt some common sense.

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In my experience people don’t learn common sense as they get old, they just get more set in their ways and resistant to change

And then they just like to bore the pants off young people by telling them the young don’t have any common sense but they do!


No, sorry, I don’t agree with that at all, old people can be pretty thick and young people very wise, the dumb don’t improve with age

Ancient civilisitations and modern civilisations have old people running it because they’ve acquired the power and wealth, not because they’re any good at running things

And when they do get the upper hand they use it to promote their own self interest and put down the young

They’ve usually certainly made their mistakes and learned zilch from them, other than how to cover their backsides and blame the next generation

The next generation will doubtless make their own mistakes but I doubt anything will match the harm done to our world by the selfish Boomers

Yes people voted Blair in, but that wasn’t just young people voting

And he wasn’t a disaster because he was young, he was a disaster because of what he was.

People vote old people in as leaders who are far worse than Blair, Trump for example

And Johnson was far more corrupt and amoral than Blair

Brexit was the voice of the common people after they’d been deceived by snake oil salesman and led by donkeys

And the statistics show clearly that old people voted for Brexit more than the young and have a lot to answer for. Their children and grandchildren will remember the harm they did and blame them for that legacy

And because we have an age top heavy population, they were able to inflict Brexit on the next generation whose lives will be diminished by it, knowing they wouldn’t live to suffer the consequences themselves

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Interesting. What was the voting demographic that took us into Europe in the first place, and as a fair few people on here were the youngsters of yesteryear, do they blame themselves for their own legacy?