Why don’t people like obesity

Where ever we look we see obese people , they are everywhere and often they are young people .
Unfortunately the present fashion for leggings only emphasises obesity, they are comfortable but horribly unflattering to most but those with a perfect figure.
Obese people are treated with scorn and contempt, we automatically think they must eat too much and / or are lazy . It’s fat phobia .
But (and I am as judgemental as anyone else ) it’s not a crime to be fat, obese people are people too they would probably prefer not to be fat .
When I was young I can’t remember seeing so many obese people around older people out on weight but the young were mainly skinny .
Why don’t we like them , is it some primeval instinct?
( in Lord of the Flies the boys bullied and murdered the fat child Piggy )
I see so many obese young people and have started to feel very sorry for them

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No obese people in legging around here, it must be a northern thing.

I live in the south west

Off topic.

Right, so…I just don’t think people care what they look like now, and dress how they want, regardless of how large they are. I see a lot of overweight people and I don’t have an opinion on them really/

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… bless.

Processed food, processed MSN, losing the will to live, no future, no hope, gender confusion, cheap leotards, the russians.


My local “High Street” has been taken over by a huge variety of fast food takeaway shops. Walk down that road at any time of day or night and I guarantee these places will be full of people, mainly young people, waiting for their lunch, dinner or supper. Doesn’t anyone home cook anymore? I’m not at all surprised we are turning into a nation of overweight, unhealthy adults.


They are the reasons for obesity but why are people so cruel about it ?

But thin people eat rubbish food too and no one call them names.

The leggings, maybe?

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Sadly there are a minority of people who will be rude and unkind to anyone they see as “different” and an easy and vulnerable target.


Superiority. People like to feel they are better than others. So to be able to laugh at someone else’s misfortune makes them feel oh so much better than them, therefore they “are” better. :roll_eyes:


I went out for lunch last week with 15 other ladies. After our meal we were chatting and obesity was discussed as we nearly all agreed we had put weight on as we got older. What’s more we all agreed we didn’t care!! :rofl:

I might be carrying too much weight but I can walk for a couple of miles, I cycle and I do my stretching and balance exercises every morning. I am seldom ill yet loads of my friends have had new knees, new hips and other surgeries. One friend is size 6/8 and has always hated exercise of any sort but she has always got coughs, colds, bad chests, earache and is forever cancelling meet ups as she is ill.

I think it might be people who exist on lettuce leaves and low fat yoghourts who say they don’t like obese people.

My parents put on weight in their middle ages but lived to 86 and nearly 97. All my many aunts and uncles were the same.

Unless you have serious health issues due to your weight, I say eat what you like …… life’s too short.

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I woudn’t like obesity in me - what anyone else does is entirely up to them.


The experts (whoever they are) …estimate that by 2040, 7 out of 10 adults will be obese.

Sorry … but I think they’re gross and call the really bouncy castle size … Tonkas (as in Tonka toys). Heaven help these 20 or 30 somethings when they reach 50 or 60.


Being obese is bad for your health.Everyone knows this.It shows disregard for your self and loved ones.


You do realise that some medications and hormone imbalances also account for obesity? It isn’t all about eating.



Tried to ‘like’ your post, Pixie, but those confounded Bots say I’ve my quota again - and it isn’t even 7:00am yet!

Why do we have to have Bots?
Why is there even a quota for ‘likes’ ? It is just silly.

That’s me gone - again !


Some people are just nasty bullies and pick on anyone who is different or vulnerable to start with the name calling and spite

It’s to make themselves feel powerful and superior, and part of the “in” crowd by defining people who are different to them as “out” It’s not a nice side of human nature

Fat people are vulnerable targets because their “faults” and differences are there permanently out there to see.

You can be a liar, a woman beater, an alcoholic or just a nasty, name calling person and cover it up most of the time, but being fat, and the stereotypes about being lazy and greedy, is there all the time

It gives the spiteful a chance to take the moral high ground about it while enjoying really sticking it to someone else

They pretend concern for the fat peoples health and the NHS, but it’s not about that really, just about them enjoying being judgemental and cruel

There’s jealousy too, of course, that someone might enjoying eating while they are restraining themselves

And the need to boss people around, tell them what is acceptable and never, ever allowing anybody to dare to be different to them

There was some suggestion that we instinctively connect being fat with disease and infection at primitive, evolutionary level

To me, bullies and cruel people are revolting, fat people aren’t! :rage:


I’ve always liked overweight women ? - I find them friendly ; cuddly ; fun ; giggly and cuddly again and again?