Why Do Some People Take A Book, Or A Newspaper To Read On The Toilet?

Other than bathing I try to spend as little time in the bathroom as possible. After all I was taught to ___ and get off the pot. LMAO :rofl:
Besides I had 2 sisters and a Mom getting in the bathroom was a matter of timing. :rofl: :rofl:


Me neither, Tabby. (Sorry Jazzi :slightly_smiling_face:)
I certainly wouldn’t go in a loo and pick up a book/magazine that I knew had been handled by someone whilst having a poo - sorry if that’s a bit blunt. Most unhygienic to me.

As I pointed out earlier, provided we following a strict hygiene routine, what is wrong? I make sure ‘dirty’ hands are not also touching my iPad, or whatever I take in there. I put the pan lid down when flushing, always.

The worry is, that if you share a house with other people you can’t tell how they behave in the little room, but when you live alone, I still can’t see the harm. Or in fact, what it is of any one else’s business.


I read in the bath, the water makes the paper go all crumply errr and me too ! :laughing:

whoever came up with candlelit baths? I don’t find them relaxing at all.

interesting though because we all use the same flush handle which is touched by others.

I bet that quite a few would not go in there without their mobile phone?


I have a push button on my loo, and use a gloved knuckle! Or the cleaner hand.

What?! I love candleit baths. I also have a moon lamp which give a soft glow, and I put on some spa music for background. Its a proper relaxing treat, although I often find myself dozing off, which can be alarming.

Not going to ask what a moon lamp is :joy:

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Not a problem in this house. We have two toilets: one each!

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True, although because I live alone, other people’s ‘germs’ rarely would happen here.
I also use a disinfectant wipe over the seat and handle daily anyway.
We also wash out hands thoroughly after the loo, so even if the loo handle was not clean, we would quickly wash any germs off our hands. We don’t wash a book or a phone afterwards though!

Jazzi, I am sorry if I have offended you, and you are quite right that it is no one else’s business, but Art did ask our thoughts on this subject. It wasn’t anything personal at all.

I can’t see any harm in it either, people just voice an opinion on what they think about it.

Some say I’m OCD…well I say some live in filth…each to their own,and as you say, no one else’s business.

We are merely replying to Art’s thread question. Nothing more.
Isn’t it inevitable everyone will think differently? Isn’t that what forum life is about? :roll_eyes:

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Of course it’s inevitable that not everyone will agree…?..

If someone wants to take a dump while reading a newspaper, is entirely their business…it’s when some start pushing their opinions on to you, is when the problems can start.

It’s just their opinion nothing more nothing less, you may take their opinion on board and have a think about it or you may not…simples…just don’t force that opinion you have…in other words don’t keep going on about it.or forcing your opinion.

I think it’s since I found out that scented candles can release formaldehyde and Benzene and also think about how they are removing oxygen from the air, a bit like having plants in the bedroom while you sleep. Plus then global warming etc. So I just think of the science which totally ruins any relaxation benefits. Brain working overtime - sad eh!


So does that mean you read on the loo Pauline?

No I don’t ,Annie…but I have taken phone calls on the toilet…

Me too but only when I have to say if I am hanging on and on in a queue for some call centre I’m not going to hang up for a tinkle. Or waiting for a GP telephone appointment, that kind of thing you just have to take the dratted phone with you.