Why Do Some People Take A Book, Or A Newspaper To Read On The Toilet?

I couldn’t go in there without something to read, or do, so take the ipad in. There is always solitaire!


Have you ever considered…Embroidery? :laughing:

What it actually means is they can’t afford toilet paper .So after reading whatever pages it gets torn into small squares and used instead

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Jazzi, Nooooo. Your iPad? I don’t believe this! :laughing: l will never see you the same way again with that picture in my mind!
Doesn’t your little dog follow you in there?

I take my book to the toilet if I am expecting to be there for a while, and usually read in the bath as well. If I am feeling really decadent I have a good long soak and as well as a book I take a bar of chocolate.

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It certainly is on my diet. :rofl: :rofl:

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Would never get the needle threaded. :rofl: :rofl:

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Maver-rik, A bar of chocolate too? Now l’ve heard it all!!
Aren’t you worried about it getting contaminated? :laughing:

I’ve never got this either :poop:

How long are you in there, for goodness sake?! You must all be well bunged up :rofl:

I’m in and out in 5 minutes tops and I’ve definitely got better things to do with my time than sit around on the loo reading

If you want to read, why not in the suiting room in a nice cup of tea and a comfy chair?

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That’s in the bath @Artangel not sitting on the carsey,

Edited to add my loo is not in my bathroom. Also to correct spelling of carsy to khazi.

Yeah Right, l believe you!! :laughing:

Ah, but do the dunny budgies die gasping :astonished::wink::grin:

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What’s disgusting about it? I must be disgusting then coz I read my magazines on the throne, I’m not ashamed either so thrrrrrppppp ooops scuse me :rofl:


Take a book in with me?! I’m in, deposit, then out of there asap. All I can think about those with time to read, they must suffer constipation and have to contemplate the contractions needed to dump.


Never in there long enough, I only go when I need to go.

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oh, and then when I’ve done reading the mag I use it to wipe me bum hehehe, now I’m being disgusting lol

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I will never see a library book in the same way again! I will just wonder how many toilets it has frequented!! :laughing:

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Moving swiftly on… :laughing:

EWWWWWW!!! :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:


Always check a library book to see if the back pages are missing.

Wear rubber gloves to do so!