Errrrm … Jim’ll Fix It? That self-centred high order abuser Savile did some great things for some people, so one side of him, the lesser side, was not all bad.
Loved the painting by Rolf of The Queen .
But after it all came out I’d bet HRM spat on it and threw it in the dungeon.
It was an amazing portrait.
I remember being on a P&O cruise the ship had an entire art gallery devoted to RH originals …where are they now
Sorry Ripple…
I was making the point that after it came to light about the awful things Savile and Harris had done - and I think there were a few more blokes either convicted or accused of kiddie fiddling, it didn’t show us blokes in a good light…All tarred with the same brush if you see what I mean and ‘There’s no smoke without fire’ attitude. There would be those who had trangressed in the past and now felt guilty…A good reason to commit suicide don’t you think?
Oh Ripple it was awful - she probably hated it even before he was charged .
Alas Rolf was not a good artist .
But he was kind to animals and I liked him on Animal Hospital .
I’ve attempted suicide at various points in my life when I’ve had lots of friends. Mental health and suicide are very personal things that I hid very well. For me having people who cared about me meant nothing, in fact, I’ve even felt pressured by it. (as strange as that may seem to somebody who hasn’t experienced it.)
I am sorry to hear this Ralph and hope you ar e feeling ok now . What you say is very true . People who commit suicide are not always alone and unloved .
This is very hard on their families who always think they could have done something to prevent it some are consumed with guilt for ever after .
But they can’t if a person is in such a state that they will take their own life they will do it . It’s very sad .
Very true Muddy, very true.
I’m feeling good at the moment thanks. I’m never sure how I will feel tomorrow though.
I wrote about my life experience of living with mental health issues last year. I’ve never shared it but maybe I’ll pluck up the courage to post it one day.
I also sometimes wonder if it hasn’t been mental health all along and maybe I’m somewhere on the autistic spectrum. Looking back at my life it certainly seems like it could be a possibility but autism wasn’t recognised until quite recently.
I enjoyed the HRH portrait programme and yes the portrait too.
I admit to liking RH and his instant artwork.
Although he went downhill in my admiration when the truth was out.
Ghastly if you paid top dollar for a RH original.