Why do more men commit suicide?

It’s the leading cause of death in men under fifty .
These are shocking statistics .

I think it’s down to the difference between the male and female brain. There is less communication between the two hemispheres so men are less likely to get distracted when they focus on the negative. This can make it an obsession which feels insurmountable. Like a groove in a record that just gets deeper and deeper and you cannot move on. This also means that the suffering depressed men feel can be far more intense. Not only are they less likely to have a support network, but they are less likely to accept advice when in this state. Society expects a great deal of men so they expect a great deal of themselves. The inflexible male brain wiring can mean that when that expectation is unfulfilled or threatened it’s like a sledgehammer coming down on their psyche.


Men increasingly have lost their role in society too…women now have a similar earning power and the male role as head of the household is a thing of the past. To be honest I think its hard for men these days…I’m glad to be female


Yeah but there is nothing new in it, google will tell you it was the same 40/50 years ago. I can’t find a graph going back 100 years.

It is true that there has been a slow (not yet there) move to pay equality. But a woman earning the same as a man for the same job should not be troubling.
Equally its true that the male role in a household and family has changed - but surely not to demasculate the man? Just to share the burden of looking after the house and family. Or even to not be the major bread winner.
Its not hard for men these days, honest. Except for a few who have misplaced expectations - but that is their problem to deal with.

Obviously not seeing as men are committing suicide more than woman.

This may also give an indication :

Sociodemographic inequalities in suicides in England and Wales - Office for National Statistics)%20(Figure%204).

Women like to talk about things and stuff more than men.

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Also, men tend to hide and contain their emotions rather than express them.


Men are far happier in a relationship than on their own. Particularly as they get older. There is not enough emphasis on the importance of relationships in our society.

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Men get Nagged more.

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Married men live longer ranging keeps them alive

Good point.

Just done my BP, the Wife ain’t goin to finish me tonight :icon_wink:

Yes, this is generalising but on the whole men haven’t the network of caring friends they can share their troubles with cry with and be comforted eat ice cream and chocolate.

I believe there’s still a greater emphasis on men to be successful that can come with unbearable stress .

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and they thrive on it … allegedly.

More women than men attempt suicide, but men are more likely to succeed and die from their attempt

So it could be the things that bring both men and women to that point of despair aren’t that different as the death rate by gender would seem to suggest?

Men tend to choose more violent suicide methods, like hanging, while women use things like pills. And men can be more impulsive, deciding on the spur of the moment

The different suicide methods give different amounts of time for them to be helped and saved

It’s a very complicated issue, the Samaritans have done a lot of very good studies and one thing I found interesting is that poverty is a major feature

Just look at this map of suicide rates over the country, it’s almost like a map of where the money is

And from the Samaritans reports


And age is a factor, the middle aged been most at risk. Is this because a lot of boomer pensioners are relatively well off and secure in their housing, pensions etc?


occupations with the highest suicide rate are medical doctors and dentists.
I can understand doctors they see a lot of pain and suffering .
Dentists well to have to stare into mouths all day :astonished:

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I’d die of boredom. Sorry, not a joking matter. :neutral_face:

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Spot on Psmith.

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