Why Are Some Men Obsessed With Cars And Engines?

Yes a lovely throbbing noise that goes on and on :026:

I used to be a bit of a DIY mechanic and have fitted gearboxes, clutches and complete engines amongst other repairs but as mentioned above, engines these days are just to be looked at as not many repairs are possible unless you have the vast array of special tools. I was never a petrol head or anything, just that it was cheaper than going to a garage.

Apart from that, I canā€™t be @rsed any more. :cry:


I find modern cars a completely mystery, so leave well alone.

Iā€™m with you Swimmy. I had a look under the bonnet of my car and just thought, how does a mechanic work on these things nowadays. I used to own old Cortinas etc and you could get inside the engine bay and get to things.

Same here
The number of big and small end bearing shells I have fitted as well as piston rings and valve reseating. Remember the stick with suction caps on the end where you put grinding paste and cleaning carbon off the valve heads? Or balancing twin carbs with a vacuum guage?
And those clutch plates lining them up? I have somewhere the tool still to do that.

Good old days when home mechanics was within anyones capabilities. I did a complete rebuilt of a Morris Minor many years ago

I would think most men of our generation had occasion to fix our Morris 1000s and Ford Poplars, I certainly couldnā€™t afford a garage, I could barely afford the petrol. Needs must really. :wink:

Well, the first thing a wise man looks at are the fluid levels, lest his beloved beast is running short of anything. Then he looks for anything out of the normal; things which are not as they should be. Then he inhales the intoxicating aroma of hot engine oil. Finally, he takes satisfaction that his loyal and dependable steed is ready for whatever may be asked of it :hug:.

Why are some women obsessed with driving into things?..:twisted:ā€¦:lol:

(Heads for coverā€¦)

It used to be about women hanging their handbags on the extended choke button.

Another one here that used to repair my own cars many an hour spent changing brake pads/shoes doing bodywork repairs with the good old ā€œdoggieā€, am fortunate that my bil. Is a mechanic so any thing major I took to him, but Iā€™ve done a fair bit on my cars, different nowadays though, as people have said you really need a code reader to interrogate the on board computer to make any sense of any warning lights that show up, also I think as you get older you get in a position where you can afford to pay someone else to repair/maintain your car and I certainly donā€™t miss crawling about on the floor in the freezing coldā€¦!!

Ooh , hereā€™s a thought, how about a motoring section on the forum?

Women would go flat out for that

Now thereā€™s a thought :cool:

Primus, That is a brilliant idea! You should put your suggestion to Admin.

Especially parking for women :blush:
OK,Iā€™ll get me coat ā€¦>

Shut itā€¦and get packing;-)

I wonder if any of our male members here have ever knocked their head on the bonnet whilst observing the marvels of the engine? :lol:

No one has admitted that they refer to the engine, as the injin!

Smooth talking bugger :slight_smile:

Iā€™m scared of adminā€¦!!!

PooH! Then why do you dodge about for as long as possible when us ladies need something mending then, Nommy?
Get out of that one if yer can! :smiley: