Who will ever understand Human Nature?

Yesterday I parked at the local Nature Park.
There were at least 100 parking bays with one other person up the other end.
A car comes in and has to park right beside me.
Is it something to do with needing to be part of a pack?
I will never understand why people do what they do.

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God this is one thing that makes me furious !

Why do they do it ?

When I park my car I try to go as far as possible away from others.

It’s the same in restaurants or pubs .

We stopped at a pub a year or so ago it was lunch time and it had just opened .

It was large there must have been room for a hundred + people in there .

We sat down ( we had our dog with us ) a couple came in she was very loud .

Can you believe the bl**dy women came and sat at the table right by us , she actually had to step over my dog .

I call it the sheep syndrome .

No interest in what other folks do anymore :grin:

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Yes, it can be infuriating at times.
When it happens in a large car park, I often drive to another secluded spot.

I can’t see anything wrong with it. A bit OCD perhaps but fill the spaces in neat organised order, neat & tidy. If the first 50 cars left a space vacant between them and the next car, the second 50 would all have to negotiate between two parked cars.


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Its a bit late in the evening for logical thought.

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One of the drawbacks of driving an ice cream van?


Keep your Claxon to yourself.

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Maybe its the sheep flock instinct with cars. That’s why they have to queue up behind each other on motorways. I think they were born and grew up that way parking in large flocks next to each other for the warmth. If they parked in a secluded spot they imagine they might be raped or something!

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This drives me crazy. But it’s not a human nature thing. It has to do with customs or culture or something. I lived in a place where no one would do this. If you parked somewhere, they would leave as many spaces as were available between cars.

In another place I lived, if the whole lot is empty in a 50 car lot, the next person would park the closest they could to me.

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It’s a car park, whether someone parks next to me or twenty places away is of no concern to me as long as my car is still there when I return and I can open my door to get in.


IMO, it’s definitely the pack instinct of simple minded creatures 


Some people don’t understand the concept of personal space. I think it’s very strange but I suppose they think I’m strange if I go and sit on my own.
The worst time they do it is when I’m in a public toilet cubicle and someone comes into the cubicle next to you when there’s loads of others to choose from. That really puts me off :frowning:


I think it’s definitely cultural and a Brit thing to dislike it

I lived in the Greek islands many years ago and back then it was just their thing to be social and sit together ( no cars)

On the bus, for example, they didn’t do the Brit thing of all sitting separately in double seats on their own. They all crowded together in one area of the bus and if you were sat on your own with an empty seat next to you they’d sit next to you and talk, even if there were empty double seats available

Same in the tavernas, they’d choose to sit at tables next to other people all together creating a crowded area and leaving half the taverna empty, rather than spread out and eat isolated!

It took a while but you got used to it, along with having complete strangers asking you about your health, your marital status snd how much you earn!

The car parking thing might just be people with orderly minds thinking it’s sensible to create a row rather than all parking randomly


I think you’re right. I remember when I visited my brother in the UK and I would walk into town or to the shops. It is a habit to say, “g’day” or “how ya goin” to everybody you pass and one does it without thinking. I recall the shock, almost horror, on the faces of some people I passed when I spoke to them (not all).

Also chatting to the checkout chicks apparently is not done, they were very abrupt.


That might be just a town thing. If you are walking along a footpath in the country or through the woods people you meet are more likely to say ‘Hello’, ‘Good Morning’ or even just smile a greeting.


Nahh, the ignorants and can’t be arsed are everywhere or, all the gregarious folk are agoraphobic?!!


How many people do we pass by on average every day? Is there any research on that?


The number of people you pass by on average every day can vary greatly depending on where you live, work, and spend your time. Some research suggests that in urban areas, the average person may pass by around 1,000 people per day. However, this number can be much lower in more rural or suburban areas. Factors such as the time of day, day of the week, and even the weather can also affect the number of people you pass by.It’s worth noting that this research is likely based on estimates and projections rather than actual counts, and the number of people you pass by in your own life may be different. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the number of people we come into contact with, with many people spending more time at home and avoiding crowded public spaces.

Today, I was working from home (in a small town (pop 18,000)) but I walked to the local supermarket at 1800, after “rush hour”, to purchase some essentials. IIRC, I encountered 57 individuals, i.e. face-to-face, in the space of 30 minutes. I shall take a count on a pre-Xmas Saturday afternoon walkabout but would expect that number then to be in the hundreds.

When I worked in the Town Hall of a nearby (very popular) seaside resort I would certainly have encountered thousands per day of the 20,000,000 per year who visited the town plus dozens of council employees 
 horrific when I think about it - no wonder that I took to the wilds when I retired 


Oh no! :scream:. I’ve become a Brit! :joy:


Crocodile Dundee, hmmm