Who remembers their very first job?

Mine was working in a corner store straight out of school as a 15 year old.
One of my duties was polishing the fruit and vegetables for display in the window.
My peers would stand outside the window making mirth at my expense whilst I polished the cucumbers. :grin:


They wouldnā€™t be human if they didnā€™t laugh at someone polishing cucumbers.

In an office at GKN (big steel works).Iā€™m not going to like this I thought,I didnā€™t have to worry,I got the sack for absenteeism.

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I hope you learned from this experience and it did not repeat on you

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First a Saturday job in a hairdressers, which I loathed. Washing hair. Eurgh.

After leaving school I joined a company just a few minutes walk down the road in a tiny Accounts office. Just 4 of us and a nice manager. Of course, I had to make the morning milky coffee and afternoon tea, amongst other tasks. I suppose that is why I am now good at making hot drinks!


Had many first jobs, spent the rest of life ā€œCareeringā€ down the road :grin:


I was 15 and 6 months as I was not permitted to leave School until that time. I had been at school in Davidson Road Seniorsā€¦ EZ Rider will know of that School I feelā€¦ and because I could not leave the summer before because of Rules I changed schools and went to an All Girls School called Lanc Franc in the Mitcham area, quite a journey each day but I did learn to type and do shorthand at leastā€¦
So then my first job was Up Townā€¦Saviile Row London. The Civil Service just as a C.A being a Clerical Assistantā€¦bottom of the rung!..and that is where I stayed until the Forestry Commision decided to move to Basingstokeā€¦
The job was acceptable but boringā€¦The outside was just amazing thoughā€¦Carnaby Street held my lunchtimes pleasures and kept me in a constant state of excitement. Then The Marquee was discovered and Bands like the Who would be playing there as often as twice in a month. Life could not have got any better. Except it did when my bestest friend Rosi also joined the Forestry Commission.


Its good to start on the bottom rung, and move progressively sideways :icon_wink:


You did not know it but you were probably being ā€œSexstortedā€ :icon_wink:


Yes I certainly do Di. In fact I left school in 1954 and started working for a builders in Davidson road called Maides Bros. Only there for around six months before starting my training to become a TV Engineer. It was Lanfranc School in the mitcham area and thatā€™s the school where a great many children died when their plane came down while on a school trip. There is a memorial for those poor kids in Mitcham Road Cemetery.

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Yes I knew that and had thought also about mentioning thatā€¦was the Boys School as they had not got together at that time.

When they heard I was now in an all Girls School they delayed itā€¦haha (joking)
I was only there for 6 months and escaped from a 2 year Secretarial Course, much to the disgust of the teacher.
September 1962 - March 1963. Mind you I went on to Evening School and took the same Examsā€¦haha can recall going in the Pub for a celebration around the back of East Croydon Station when I got the pass certificateā€¦ maybe was even the Railway Armsā€¦All On My Own I Wasā€¦must have had some front back then and yet I was a shy gal in truth.
All good with you Easy?..

I have a year or six on you Di. Married in '62 first son born '63.

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yes I knew it was possible to find somebody one day older than myself!

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got it I can be your Toygalā€¦
sorry can see I am talking now again to myselfā€¦

I can go one better Married in 67 by 69 three babiesā€¦yukā€¦ sorry I mean 3 balls and chainsā€¦

Nope still here. Just getting a bit hot under the erm collar now. :crazy_face:

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:innocent: thatā€™s a lie for a start or is that tart lol

Right, off out for a jog around the Common now. Fare thee well my people. I shall return forthwith. Oh and Innkeeper, kindly unsaddle my horse.


My first job was at 15 years old helping a lady on a meat round. I shiver now at the thought as I am now a vegetarian and have been for40 years.


How did you get the meat through the letterbox?

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My first job was in 1977 just left school was only 16 and it was making Shoe boxes. we got paid piece work and remember my 1st wages was 24 pounds sterling i was on 20 pounds a week got the extra 4 pounds thru piece work.