Who likes marmite?

There is a saying local. NFN. It apparently started at the local hospital, anything slightly wired got the tag, NFN. Normal For Norfolk & it has now spread.

$13.23 (£9.66) for 150g – must be a pricing error surely?

I found these in Aldi, their crisps are quite varied and those I have had are very tasty:

It’s a third party seller. On Amazon, third party sellers just try to get as much money as they can. I was just linking the picture because it looks like it’s produced at Lay’s. There’s another package that has the exact same graphic except that the Lay’s logo is replaced by a Walker’s label.

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@butterscotch Thanks for the explanation, Amazon I know nothing about at all. Although how does a third party seller expect to sell items that are around eleven times as expensive as those elsewhere? Perhaps they are aimed at those who have more money than sense?

Somehow I think it’s best that I keep to buying Aldi crisps.
:thinking: :grinning:

Probably one of a couple ways. They’re either trying to trick the buyer into thinking they’re getting a bigger quantity or they’re selling an item that isn’t available elsewhere. I’ve seen Amazon reviews where the buyer only realizes the scam after they received the item. But the terms are clearly written so no return is possible. Amazon’s return policy doesn’t apply to third party sellers.

That sounds very much as though Amazon is a place to be wary about,
although I realise many people do happily buy from there.
:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :thinking: :grinning:

Love marmite toast and can use it as a flavouring for gravy.


Don’t know how my last post came on this thread, it was supposed to be for the marmite one.


You’re fine. This is the marmite thread.


This IS the marmite one. :sweat_smile:
Morning. :joy:


Silly me :joy:


I can eat the peanut butter and marmite straight from the jar .
For the sake of my waistline I don’t allow it in the house .


Peanut butter is fab. Marmite, Bovril and Vegemite is a hard pass!

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We eat lots of Marmite so buy it in 600g tubs now. The only place we can find the tubs is on Amazon. There was a minimum order of 3 last time but it doesn’t matter as it does get eaten fairly quickly. Thinly spread for me but Mrs mart lays it on thick.


I actually do eat peanut butter from the jar… lovely


Amazon are now selling the 600g tubs of Marmite singly, in twos or in sixes. I just ordered 6.

Nope not for me…or peanut butter…yuk :face_vomiting:

I was over 50 before I ever tasted Marmite, as a child the smell put me off.
Now I really like it on toast and it’s great for vitamin B12.(?)
But now I always buy Vegemite because I think it has a milder taste.
I love peanut butter even more, a great source of protein.

Yes to marmite, no to vegemite.

I never had vegemite, not sure if it’s available in the UK. As for Marmite, spread on bread so thick that it’s almost black and makes your eyes water when you take a bite.