Who doesn't have the flu jab and why?

Realist why not just confirm that you are flat out against all vaccines even those with a near 100% success rate such as polio?

Sorry Annie but these cheap and oh so obvious mind games are no use on me.

Annie, why not just confirm that you are affiliated to the medical industry and thus declare your uber bias?

Are you going to answer the question once and for all - you are against any type of vaccination on principle are you not? It doesn’t matter if they save lives you think all vaccinations including Polio are evil. Please confirm.

Are you going to declare your affiliation with the medical industry?

I have no such affiliations Realist. Are you going to admit that you despise all vaccines?

I’d let it go if I were you Annie.
It’s really not worth it.
Let him think what he wants, it won’t affect us.
We’ll still all do whatever we want. :slight_smile:

It does affect people here Mups. Realist puts people here off from having vaccinations. Yet he has no qualifications and refuses to admit that he is totally anti-vax. The anti-vax movement is dangerous and irresponsible. He should just admit he has a political agenda.

The flu vaccine is just a money making business at the expense of human health. Cochrane have proved that. You can’t dispute their findings. The adult vaccine helps only 1 in 100 people yet it continues to be rolled out. Just preposterous.

The Shingles vaccine is totally unecessary. Your chances of ever getting Shimges are absolutely tiny. Ridiculously so. If you do get it, it;s 2 to 3 weeks recovery time and the chances of dying from it are astronomically tiny. This vaccine is simply not needed imho. But it makes money so they still peddle it to naive and vulnerable people using fear tactics.

Measles has been discussed at length. The vaccine harms a lot of people like 1 in 640 if I remember whereas the vaccine only prevents 1 person in 10,000 from dying.

[Removed] Instead you just make jibes and emotional rhetoric and try to deflect by saying it’s “my opinions” when in fact its the plethora of data from the medical research bodies and the government published mortality rates and so on. Go argue with them if you can’t face up to the data.

I maintain my stance totally. The vaccine industry is out of control. It’s gone way beyond a simple medical service aiming to irradicate diseases. It’s now just a multi billion dollar industry imho.

The Flu vaccine situation tells me plainly that I should not trust that industry.

The Shingles vaccine situation tells me I shouldn’t trust it and the Measles vaccine also.

There are no generic answers such as those you try to obtain. Every vaccine must be appraised separately on its own merits and that’s what I encourage people to do. To DO THE RESEARCH.

Every vaccine has it’s own set of data, it’s own mortality rates, it’s own efficacy rates and so on. Every vaccine harms in some way. People simply have to do the research to determine the facts and then make an informed decision.


You’re simply wrong and thankfully there are millions of people out there who now realise something is amiss in this whole industry and who ARE doing the research to get to the truth.


So why not just admit you are totally anti-vax Realist? You cherry pick your vaccines. Either say you are for some and not for others or just confirm you are against them all. Because the life saving aspect seems to have gone totally over your head. I’m still waiting for an answer on polio. Perhaps you’d like to comment on smallpox while you are at it?

*** Personal comments removed

Never had a flu-jab and can’t remember the last time I had a cold or the flu.
My immune system is working well, I’m sure.

You’re wasting your time. Realist’s ‘evidence’ is just nonsense even his only quoted institution says:

Healthy adults who receive inactivated parenteral influenza vaccine rather than no vaccine probably experience less influenza, from just over 2% to just under 1% (moderate‐certainty evidence). They also probably experience less ILI following vaccination, but the degree of benefit when expressed in absolute terms varied across different settings. Variation in protection against ILI may be due in part to inconsistent symptom classification.


In other words the vaccine reduced the occurrence of flu in adults by over 50%, you would think this a worthwhile result for any health system dealing with a constantly mutating virus.

If you look back through his older drivel you will find him misquoting/misunderstanding this and claiming the vaccine is only effective in 1% of cases.

The final sentence also explains his much touted ‘statistical’ increase in death rates in the UK - it is a nonsense also ie the criteria are varied every 5 or so years.

As you say he has absolutely no qualifications or experience in this subject whatsoever, like the other keyboard warriors and anti vaxxers his half baked Google based ‘research’ is a danger to society.

However don’t forget to wear your Realist approved tin foil hat while having your vaccination. Quite trendy I believe.


I’m afraid silly jibes and childish pictures don’t add any credibility to your argument. It is the purview of the ignorant and poor debaters to simply shout “conspiracy theory” in order to simpy close down argument. Thankfully there are millions of people out there who will absolutely NOT keep silent about what is going on in the vaccine industry.

Nice of you to cherry pick this part of the research, it’s confusing to many people and misleading if not quantified.
Imagine if I said I was going to literally double the amount of rice that a starving African child has a day. I will increase it by 100% !!! Sounds fantastic doesn’t it, except that the reality is the child was only getting ONE GRAIN of rice a day, and will now get TWO GRAINS which is 100% increase !!!

The Cochrane review which you kindly link to (here it is again):


States some things extremely clearly.

Firstly it states that your basic chance of getting the flu in the first place is just 2.3%.

Let’s be real, that means out of every 1000 people, only 23 of them will actually get Flu. Of those 23 most will get through the condition with no complications especially if they have a good immune system. Some people don’t look after their immune system or are already ill, and yes, for those people Flu can be fatal. However this bit of “sensationalism” should be properly appraised because the ACTUAL MORTALITY RATES, i.e. the ACTUAL numbers of people who die from the Flu, is tiny.

Here are the numbers for the UK once again.

[b]Government ONS Data
Deaths caused by Flu (ICD category J09)

2009 - 78
2010 - 37
2011 - 109
2012 - 76
2013 - 140
2014 - 86
2015 - 274
2016 - 313
2017 - 454

So, I will iterate again. Cochrane have stated clearly that only 23 people in every 1000 will actually get Flu if they just live their lives normally and don’t have any Flu Vaccine.

Now if you go an vaccinate those 1000 people then the number of people who get Flu then drops to 9 people in every 1000.

So your chance of getting Flu is now just 0.9%. It was previously 2.3%, now after being vaccinated it’s just 0.9%.

In percentage terms that’s a drop of 1.4%

It’s a pretty lame thing to wax lyrical about that being a near 50% drop.

In real terms it means out of 1000 people vaccinated, only 14 of them are any better off.

And real terms is what matters to me personally.

I’m of the opinion that if only 23 people in 1000 get the Flu anyway, then I’m not at all inclined to have the vaccination and that’s purely on those numbers. Add into the equation some of the horrific ingredients in the toxic mix and the awful side effects that some people get (some life changing) then NO categorically I’m not the least bit interested in having a Flu Vaccine.

The rest of your post is just the usual vitriolic derisory clap trap and deserves no response.

The facts remain:

Your chances of getting the Flu in the first place are extremely small

Having the Flu shot reduces that already extremely small chance by a tiny amount (from 2.3% to 0.9%) but introduces ricks of serious side effects and potential vulnerabilities whilst your immune system is compromised trying to fight the vaccine virus.

Note also that the Cochrane review there provides the stats for the number hospitalisations as a result of Flu.

If you do nothing, the number of people getting hospitalised from Flu is 147 per 1000

If you vaccinate everyone the number of people getting hospitalised from Flu drops to just 141 per 1000

It’s really not very effective at all is it !!!

Each to their own.

For me, the Flu Vaccines remain utter snake oil.

I don’t need it, it’s largely pointless having it and I absolutely don’t want that cocktail of toxins being put into my body.

By far and imho, the best possible action anyone can take concerning Flu or other virus, is to respect your immune system and keep it in very good condition.

Gosh, even your Aussie medical experts are saying the vaccine is useless !!

[size=3]Flu shot ‘oversold’: Medical expert says Australians better off beating the flu with masks[/size]

"A public health expert has challenged the value of flu vaccinations.

And he told Neil Mitchell Australians would be better served wearing masks and installing hand-washing facilities in public places.

Professor Chris Del Mar, a medicine expert at the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine at Bond University, claims the flu vaccine is being “oversold” in Australia.

He says vaccines vary in their effectiveness.

“The flu vaccine is particularly ineffective, it only makes a small difference,” he said."

AAaagggghhhhh! Not again!

It never stopped, Judd.


I went to a funeral yesterday, a friend of mine I have known since the 80’s, same age as me (well, three months younger as it happens) he died of complications caused by flu. He didn’t have his free flu vaccination.

…and he’s off (again)

I’m sorry to hear about your friend, Bruce :frowning: