Who does Boris Johnson and his government really work for?

I’ve just come across this and it’s well worth reading. If you can’t do FB - it’s about an Interconnector Cable between the UK and France and Boris wants a company called Aquind to get the contract. Aquind is run by [Viktor Fedotov]) and Alexander Temerko, are both substantial donors to the Conservative party and MPs, and that “Three Conservative ministers have already had to recuse themselves from the decision-making process over the Aquind undersea cable because of their links to the company.” Almost 10% of MPs have received donations from companies linked to Fedotov.[[24]]


Old news of course but now reared again because come January 2022 Planning will or will not go ahead…unlikely that.
Policitics is the new Jackanory…

I saw the thread title, thought it was going to be about the New World Order.

I didn’t know about this - thanks for bringing it to our attention… :+1:

Another link:

Energy firm seeking government approval for UK-France power cable says donations to Tory party will not ‘influence’ decision

Aquind has been criticised after it was revealed that two ministers in the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy - where the decision on the project will be made - have links to the company.

Junior business minister Lord Callanan was a director at the firm between May 2016 and June 2017, stepping down several months before joining government.

Energy minister Anne-Marie Trevelyan was given £2,500 by Aquind last year with thousands more donated to her constituency party.

The government told Sky News that neither minister will play a role in the process and the decision will be taken solely by the Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng.

His predecessor in that role, Alok Sharma, recused himself from the decision after it emerged he had accepted £10,000 from Aquind.

Cabinet ministers Brandon Lewis and Simon Hart, along with senior MPs Jeremy Hunt and Liam Fox, are among the dozens of MPs who have been supported by Aquind or Mr Temerko.

It may be old news but, obviously, still relevant, highlighting, as it does, the relationships between Tories and Temerko.

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Sounds like bribery and corruption to me .


Exactly haha…more to get yer teeth into… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
shocking… :grinning:

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Typical Boris & cronies stuff. Think he needs to go and the sooner the better!

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Yes he does .
While most politicians are liars he is a liar on an epic scale and is incompetent to boot .


So why do you believe him about vaccines Muddy?

I don’t I belive the medical advisers and scientists because they have studied for years to obtain their knowledge
.Johnson goes on their advice


What’s really scary about him is he’s so full of spin, he doesn’t seem to recognise that he IS lying! Not that that makes much difference to someone who has no conscience.

I’d have more confidence in all matters relating to Covid if we saw more of our scientists and medical experts and really hope they can’t be bought by Boris.

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If scientists or politicians don’t agree with the rhetoric they are never heard of again, or the media dishes out some dirt on them and they are disgraced and discredited Lindy.

That sounds like something an anti-vaxxer would spout to validate his narrative. Honest to God Bob - I think you can afford to be ever so slightly generous and considerate when it comes to someone who spent last Christmas working - keeping his patients alive on his hospital ward - a job he refused to give up despite becoming Chief Medical Officer for England. This is a man who is massively intelligent, highly esteemed and very well respected - someone with honour, not a sleeze-bag covid-denier who would probably sell his own mother to further his aims! NOT a lousy two-bit lying corrupt politician who is only looking out for himself and his cronies and every possible suggestion he makes will result in personal advantage.
You need to realise there ARE people who are bigger and better than you and who are thoroughly decent and great human beings, so I suggest you reform your opinion and admit that it may be your own amorality which leads to your incredibly base opinions!

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Well fortunately I’m not an anti vaxxer, over the years I’ve probably had more vaccinations than you…You are far too trusting Lindy, you don’t know these people personally, only what you see in the media. You can’t or won’t accept that these scientists have to follow the rhetoric or be out of a job. It might surprise you to learn, that these people don’t give a damn about you. I’m not talking about the doctors and nurses on the front like who work tirelessly and put their own health on the line to save as many lives as possible in these terrible times.
Open your eyes what is taking place around you Lindy, you are being manipulated and used and one day you will realise you were aiding and abetting this corrupt regime…

I think it is you who needs to open your eyes and understand that for all the idiots, pillocks and generally unpleasant people there really ARE some who are different from the rest and are honest to goodness, decent, intelligent people. The only person who is trying to manipulate me - is you…with your inability to recognise brilliance. As for that corrupt regime - that’s where you and I live and call home. If you’re convinced it’s corrupt, get out there and do something about it. Go into politics yourself if you need to - or write about it, start petitions…just DO SOMETHING!

As for vaccinations - if you want to be beaten into submission - just say the word! But you’ll need proof of vaccinations!

Very pleasant of you to call me trusting - but absolutely wrong - yet more proof of not being a great judge of character.

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If having the vaccination makes me a smug, arrogant, know it all, I’ll pass thanks…

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Not doing very well this evening are you?

I’ll be smug and arrogant when we’re finally clear of this pandemic and know I’ve survived - despite the nutcase anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists and everyone else who are just too stupid, selfish and ignorant to wear a mask and get vaccinated.


Just another day on the forum Lindy…

Your survival rate of Covid-19 is 99.75%.

I wouldn’t worry about it too much if I were you.

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