Who does Boris Johnson and his government really work for?

“England’s chief medical officer Chris Whitty has come under fire from top Tory MPs after he advised people to stop unnecessary mixing before Christmas, according to the Daily Mail’s splash. One MP accuses Prof Whitty of effectively changing Covid policy “at a stroke” by going further than the Plan B measures, which the paper says has caused pubs and restaurants to suffer a wave of booking cancellations at their busiest time of year.”

I think today’s news reports validate my comments that Prof Chris Whitty maintains his independence and is not in the pocket of Boris the Liar.


Absolutely !
I am pleased that Chris Whitney is to get a knighthood .

Yes he is.
Why are so many of our politicians corrupt and think they can get away with it?
And I thought Boris was going to be different.

We should have a Christmas quiz:
“Who was our last honest and least corrupt PM?”
I’d extend that to include, “Who was our most corrupt PM in living memory?”, but I think we’d all agree on one in particular!

How do know if an MP is lieing??
His lips are moving!!


Doesn’t matter to me what you believe actually because your just so selfish, a mule is a mule
but if you’ve ever been around somebody who got polio before the Vaccination was available maybe you’d stop being so so self centred.
The covid19 has 100% been related to my health issues and guess there are thousands and thousand that has happened to…
There is little else on offer
Sticking your head in the Sand…will not make these virus’s go away.

I rather like you Di, and we are all entitled to our opinions…
However, calling people selfish, mule like, self centred with a head in the sand does not qualify as a basis for discussion…

I don’t see the relevance of the Polio vaccine when discussing the Covid vaccine…
But in an attempt to justify your revelation of a polio victim. I have personally witnessed a very good friend and neighbour being rushed into hospital with a blood clot after suffering a stroke just several hours after receiving the booster covid vaccine. I have also witnessed a 30 something fit young chap (my godson) also being rushed into hospital expelling blood from his back passage and being extremely ill. The doctor in A&E suggested it was a reaction to the vaccine. One of Mrs Fox’s best friends has also experienced bleeding from the same area shortly after having the booster.
There are more, but these things are not some wild conspiracy theory off twitter, they are happening here to my friends and neighbours.
So my opinions are beginning to look correct about an untested dangerous vaccine, so excuse me if I don’t take health advice from you Di.


I agree.
Only today I heard on the news that a further booster is on its way. Why?
First we were told that to certainly be safe from Covid we would need two vaccinations a certain time period apart.
Then we were assured that we would need a booster.
Now we are being told that we’re going to need a second booster.
How many more?

Apart from anything else, this latest Omicron version of the virus is showing itself, although more infective, to be far less dangerous. As I have said before, Covid seems to be mutating and becoming more like flu and quite possibly in the future like the common cold.
Do we need to have a series of vaccinations every time a flu virus appears?
No. Some people have a single vaccination; others just go to bed for a few days and ride it out.

I really do feel that Boris and his government are panicking unnecessarily, and in imposing all these restrictions (yes, I’m sure more will be coming in the new year) he will cause unnecessary damage to our economy, education and our way of life.

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I have my views and they are strong.
Many years ago I caught a virus that hit my brain.
… I was put into a coma to hopefully save my life…It did of course that bit is obvious.
Since that time I have not dismissed vaccines… I could have maybe if that had not happened but to say they are dangerous, yes all vaccines hold some risks likewise the drugs do…what drugs they gave me to help save my life also have had some bad effects to this day.
I stick by what I said earlier.
…I think people who wont have the Covid19 Vaccine are selfish.
They are not thinking about anybody but themselves.

Yes, I can see both sides of the argument and, as I have mentioned before, I have had the two vaccines and a booster.
My reasons for that were that at the time I believe there was a distinct risk of catching Covid and to be on the safe side I took all the recommended precautions - and they included keeping away from crowds and (for what it was worth) wearing a mask where it was requested.

However, the information circulating now is such that the Omicron variant is no more dangerous than flu. Consequently, I shall continue to keep away from crowded places (which I have always done), but unless there are evidential reasons (excluding Boris’s nonsensical procrastinating) I shall not bother with another ‘booster’.

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I’m sorry to hear about your brush with a dangerous virus Di, and am glad that you have survived to provide interesting posts and information on the forum, but is it possible that you would still have suffered the effects of the virus despite a vaccine.

Call me selfish if you wish and Yes, I do think about my own health because without me my family would not now be in the fortunate position that they find themselves in. I also must praise my wife (Mrs Fox) of almost fifty years for her contribution she has also made to our family. So without putting too fine a point on it, these are my priorities and although I care about the health of others, that’s why I wear my mask, observe social distancing, and make myself scarce whenever I can, other people’s health is not my responsibility.

Yes I think that I would have got ill despite the flu vaccine that was available that year.
No idea though really. Right now I am fighting something much more serious and can see that apart from it is compulsory to enter a Hospital here for the safety of all…I still believe that I am helping to protect others.
Of course those with families think of them first…Humans we are, and the need to protect those close to us is always going to be a priority.
You can pull heart strings that’s fine…
So that does not surely make the vaccine dangerous…how scaremongering you are right now.

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Ask me again in two years Di, and I might agree with you…

Sorry to hear that so many of your friends and neighbours have had extreme and life threatening reactions to the booster OGF. I live in a new town to the west of Aberdeen and many of the residents moved here in the late 60’s and early 70’s. About a dozen of us all in our 70’s and 80’s had the booster on the same day at the local academy. I never heard of any acute reactions. Maybe we were just lucky.

Excuse me if I don’t believe you Foxy . The vaccine is not untested for a start , there is nothing to say that it is dangerous and your neighbour and godson could be bleeding form the back passage ( how do you know this do they broadcast their symptoms? ) if indeed they are for other reasons .I would not take any health advice from yourself simply because you own record of physical health is no proof that your opinions on that subject have any credibility.

That’s nonsense straight out of the conspiracy theorists handbook.

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From what I read on here this must have been in a few Christmas stockings this year!


It doesn’t matter Omah, as time goes by we will see who is right or wrong.

I didn’t ask .
I thought you said the A and E doctor ‘ suggested ‘ it may have been a reaction to the vaccine .and you seemed positive that your neighbour had the same symptoms.
But now you didn’t like to ask ?
So which is it Foxy ?