Whenever I hear bubble bath

You do move in high circles d00d. :lol:

And…where did the bath install series go…it is not just a standard bath is it…longdogs…

No Dianne, that’s more of a sex bath with two pillows. :shock:

I miss my bath I used to wallow with a book for ages in the evening, but we now have a walk in shower in it’s place. Great for a wash but I miss my wallow. So every day after I’ve swam my lengths I hop into one of the roasting hot Jacuzzi’s beside the pool and it’s just lovely, with the jets walloping into the small of my back…Sigh.

Roxy stop that fun…now…:lol:

Fun? After 50 times up n down that pool I’ve earned my wee treat. :twisted:

My small pool has a rip in it…who cares about my rip then,…
I’ll tell yer…nobody…sob sob…:089::089:

I’m sure we all care a little bit, Dianne. :hug:


When i hear bubble bath i can only think of Margot Robbie,s cameo in The Big short. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ok keezoy, your choice… :blush:

One for a Universal Boy Type…:mrgreen:

one with Harbal starring in it…they caught him, luckily
https://youtu.be/FI4XhThSkWo :lol:

One for the Girls…of course it’s long and drawn out and covers everything you needed to know about Bubble Bath…history as well…gosh :102:

One for the serious collector…lots of wow’s here… :slight_smile:

Tie this up with an old commercial…Pretty serious gear in the 60’s :surprised: