When did you start going grey?

Surprised this hasn’t be asked before, but I’m curious… when did you start going grey?

  • When did you first notice grey hairs? (ie the odd hair here or there)
  • When did you first feel you were starting to become grey (when say 15% or more of your hair had become grey?)
  • When did you feel you were ‘grey’ (maybe when 50% or more of your hair was grey)
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Well I much prefer salt and pepper if you don’t mind Azz, it makes me feel distinguished, talk about clutching at straws :wink::+1:

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erm …!!!

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I don’t remember the odd grey hair, but if I was ever 15% grey it was at the sides in my early/mid 40s …

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Not the sort of thing that bothered me.I think going grey is nature’s way of being kind as you age…You see old people with dyed hair and it really makes their face look much older.


Just about fifties fifties and not a lot of grey…


My moustache went grey, well before the head hair, when I was in my forties. It was slightly annoying, as some of my workmates accused me of dying my hair! :smile: :laughing:


I didn’t really notice at first as I’ve nearly always coloured my hair. Then one day, think I was about 35 ish, I decided not to & that’s when I saw the greys, by then quite a lot of them, as the roots came through some white & some peppery, they crept up on me. After that I started going to a proper hair salon every 6 weeks & I have been going there ever since. No way will I ever be grey. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Just before I stopped colouring my hair. Photo with my lovely late OH.


My first grey hair was at the age of 21 :confused:

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I didn’t go grey, I went straight from almost Raven Black/Blue to Platinum. It started when I was 35 years old, much to my horror. I got streaks of Platinum either side of my face, only there, for about 12 years then the rest started to go. I had my hair cut short (shudder) as it was easier to grow out the dark hair. It was then grown back long again, just I was now a blonde instead of a very dark brunette. Such a difference and though I’m used to it, I don’t like it, I miss my dark mane very much.
From this :slightly_smiling_face: to this. :open_mouth:

Me & Dan



I was 61,and i am not in the least bothered.

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Brilliant photo Tiff…


You appear to be getting younger Rox…

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Must have been sometime in me forties…


I am only now getting a few grey threads .
Both my parents didn’t go grey until their eighties .
My father had a magnificent head of hair so much so the undertaker commented on it !

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I’m not so much concerned about what’s on the top of my head, rather what’s going on inside it :slightly_smiling_face:


Tiff and Rox, you both are real cuties! If I said lovely, it sounds like I’m complimenting older ladies, and you both are true beauties!

Me? I had a few grey hairs starting in my late 50s, but being a redhead it will take me longer to go all grey.
Anyway, I’m keeping up with my color for as long as I can until my entire head goes grey. Besides, the guys still remember me from high school with this color…I’m not messing with their memories of long ago. It just wouldn’t be kind of me, would it?!? :grin: :wink:


You forgot to say @OldGreyFox and @Besoeker look handsome as well Pam :lol:

You all look great - I love seeing photos of you all, I’m fascinated by how people have changed (or not, in the case of you lot!)


I am starting to change, my face seems to be rounder these days and there are wee lines forming at the edge of my eyes. I’ve been really really lucky with the genes I inherited from my parents, so have my sisters. I keep expecting to get up one morning, look in the mirror and see a lot older me staring back. I think I would look older if I cut my hair though, not that I’ll be doing that anytime soon. If I want it short I bundle it up in a claw clip, and leave the short bits at the side down, usually in the hot weather as the back of my neck gets soaked with hair covering it.


Thank you kindly Mr Azz !

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